Need help with dc please

So iv been playing hc wow for 2 months no problems what so ever, I come back from work on Monday make a new character and all of a sudden I’ll dc usually when I attack a mob in certain places, but can dc randomly too, what’s strange is when i enable v-sync the dcs die down but the mobs are laggy and it a few stutters, iv tried so much such as swapping to direct 11, flushing ip/dns, deleting folders, reinstall of both wow an I also have my own router for the pc only so I know it’s not my internet,I got back last night an my game did an update, was running smooth again and thought it was back until I dc again after an hour, would love some suggestions on what to do as I’m currently addicted to hc but unable to play, also I don’t seem to have a cashe or wtf folder anymore In my classic folder if anyone can tell me how to get them back? Sorry for the long thread I’m just stressing out

I’m not sure what to about the DCs, I assume you play without addons?

If you open your launcher, there is a cogwheel next to ‘play’ if you click that you have an option to scan and repair, maybe that will bring your folders back

Also when the game is lunched, close the launcher.

This suddenly started happening to me on Saturday morning through Sunday when I eventually had time to sit down and try and fix it (I was dc’ing every 2 minutes, the game became totally unplayable).

I did 2 things. Turned my router off for about 10 minutes. Wired my connection via Ethernet. This has fixed my dc’s.

Very strange for it to just suddenly happen out of the blue, maybe my router was just having a “moment”.

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I play with addons but had disconnected with them uninstalled too, I have found a work around with a friend that makes my game stable enough to play with no dcs but I get a weird lag spike/desync on mobs every now again, if I can fix that I’m good to go