Druid flight form speed is stuck at 100% no matter if you use it on ground or to fly. This is happening on all level 20 druids that have come from MoP Remix.
Other level 20 druids (created outside MoP Remix) have normal flight form speed (200% ground, 320% flight).
Using a mount instead of flight form gives normal speeds (as they are intended to be). The 100% move speed lockout is in flight form only. This issue has been these since MoP Remix ended. I have seen many people complain on reddit, WoW forum, wowhead.
I have reported the issue ever since Mop Remix ended regularly using the in-game bug reporter but there has been no change yet. If anyone is aware of anything that can be done to fix this please let me know. Thank you.
I’ve had this happen on a druid made during remix and ended up deleting the character out of frustration because no one was willing to acknowledge the bug. CS said they were simply unaware of any issues despite provided evidence that travel speeds for different modes were using completely incorrect values for static and dynamic, on land and ground after the character had been transferred to a regular server upon event completion.
It was weird flying at less than a walking speed after shifting into travel form.
I have made tickets and gotten robotic replies that I should disable addons/reset interface. I have also been reporting it for 4 months, regularly, using the in-game bug reporter. I do not get why they just want to focus on pushing new content without addressing/fixing bugs.
This particular bug makes the druid flight form completely unusable and there has been no change yet.
are you wearing gamer socks while playin druid? if not, maybe thats why ?
I put my stockings on and im fast as f boiiii
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Is anyone aware of any way around this issue?