Need help with [Exists] condition in macro

I’m working on some a macro

/cast [mod:ctrl, @focus, help, exists][mod:ctrl, @party1][mod:shift, @party2][@mouseover, help, exists][@target, help, exists][] Blessing of Protection

The idea is:

  1. If i have a friendly focus (exists = i have a focus target, help = focus is friendly) & CTRL key is held, cast BoP on them
  2. Cast BoP on @party1 if CTRL key is held
  3. Cast BoP on @party2 if SHIFT key is held
  4. Cast BoP on mouseover target if it exists and is friendly
  5. Cast BoP on target if it exists and is friendly
  6. Cast BoP on self

My issues are that this part doesn’t work: [mod:ctrl, @party1][mod:shift, @party2] and I don’t understand why.

Any help would be welcome.

/cast [mod:ctrl,@focus,help,nodead] [mod:ctrl,@party1] [mod:shift,@party2][@mouseover,help,nodead] [] Blessing of Protection

Keybinds take priority over macro modifiers. By default CTRL 1-6 are bound to your pet bar and SHIFT 1-6 are bound to Action Page 1-6. You’ll need to unbind any conflicts to use them as a macro modifers.

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