Need help! [WoW Survey] 🎮

Please keep up the emoticons and the nervous haha’s, I do enjoy reading them in the same nervous squeaky voice you had in the discord voice channel.

How can you read emoticons? What is this power you posses?

I order you to bump my thread again, Vilen my best friend! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

It’s rather rude to just ignore someone’s question, friend.

Please answer me; what is this research for?

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probably the Rotgarde. They hate people that pvp with WM on…and they love censorship. “I hate the fact that you are having fun…so I guess I’ll just downvote


Noooo! Please bump my thread!


If you’re gonna stuff the thread with alt posts you might as well switch to Mathadis seeing as you’ve already posted on Rottenheim.

I dunno what you guys gain from pretending to be other people on your alts.

I never believed I had so much power over Vilen. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Or maybe he is just submissive to begin with?

I order you to post again.


Top 10 anime friendships of all time :smirk::+1:t5:

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I actually didn’t know he liked me back… kawai

I have taken the liberty to prepare your joint statement:

On this day The Scarlet Crusade and the order of The Rotguard will come together as one! You will succeed where so many before you have failed! You will take the fight to Argent Dawn, and you will tear down the walls of Stormwind! The Rotten Crusade comes for you, Alliance!

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This has a nice ring to it, but I’m afraid my best friend is but a dispensable foot soldier among their ranks; they’re using him as common cannon fodder, because he will take the moderator’s punishment, while the higher-ups are giggling in the shadows.

I’ll have to ask Vilen to join us once his forum mute is done.

Edit: Oh, I almost forgot that their alt guild has raided Stormwind just a week ago, but supposedly they had drunk elixir of tongues before the attack so it counts as RpPvP.

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140 IQ :exploding_head:
You gotta convince them to merge man

Maybe when my best friend ranks up a bit and they start respecting him.

Switching between alts to talk to yourself on the forum is mega cringe bro :confused:

For my next trick, Vilen will reply once more! :mage:

Dudu, with all my warm wishes in mind, you so much discrediting yourself now
I really feel bad for you, you seem to be a nice rotten man


There is just love in the air here I can feel it, Vilem can’t resist posting on your threads, did you even counted it how many times he bumped this one over :laughing: ?


I’m still unconvinced and still prefer to stick to the powerful PCU hivemind opinion that Grim Gest is a better WPVP guild. :clown_face:

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You forgot to hide Valkorian.