Need help! [WoW Survey] 🎼

You would yeah. Fits your agenda.
Same question to you then
 Do you think Blizzard’s handling of the Hong Kong situation was good behaviour then?

Have you answered my earlier question yet btw?
Indirectly I suppose this would be it?

And you use that as an excuse to play games rather than actually do some REAL research? How very millennial. :smile:

I still don’t believe any of it. Show me proof and I’ll be quiet about it. :man_shrugging:t3: Until that moment, I’ll treat this thread as the spam that it is.

Blizzard defined a set of rules, the rules were broken, end of story.

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Oh nonono. You misunderstand my friend

BLIZZARD acted within the rules for banning him. But was blasted by MANY MANY people for it as being awful and unethical behaviour.
THAT is what I mean. They acted within the rules, but many people think their behaviour was bad.

So, your statement of “If it’s within the rules it’s good behaviour” just holds no water. Acting within the rules can be bad behaviour. Not in a legal sense, but surely in an ethical or social way.

How strange, dear friend. You seem to be talking to yourself. :wink:

Rude. So rude.
And obviously scared of my very true statements based on logic and facts.
You KNOW I’m right and you’re scared to debate this. Thanks for helping my point even more. It just proves what kind of person you are.

More trolling for me to report. Just keep proving me right pal. :+1:t3:

When you’re ready for an adult conversation about this, I’ll be right here.

People like to be offended :slight_smile:

But, you are off topic. IRL comparisons have nothing to do with playing a video game.

But they do. They, as you did, claim that ‘playing within the rules is always good’ but that’s simply not true. And what they’re doing is bad behaviour. So it’s very much on topic.
 This whole fake topic is basically off topic for this forum. I’m surprised mods are letting it slide.

But to get back to this remark you made

That means you approve of how Blizzard handled the HK situation then?
A simple yes or no will do. :blush:

Breaking rules is bad behaviour.

Yes, I approve of an event’s rules being enforced 100% when a participant accepted those rules to gain entry to the event.

When a player enabled War Mode, they accepted the rules, which means complaints about PvP are invalid.

This says enough. Aight mate, conversation over. :man_shrugging:t3::man_shrugging:t3:

Obey the rules and no problems :slight_smile:

Tell that to all the people who have actual morals and standards. :sweat_smile:

The ones that disobey rules that they previously agreed to?

You just don’t get it. This is not about breaking rules or not. :tired_face:
This is about bad behaviour, whether it’s within a set of rules or laws or isn’t, doesn’t matter (except for the legality, but that’s not what I’m talking about here as I’ve made abudantly clear).
Anyway, you’ve proven what kind of person you are. I’ve made my point. End of discussion.

Have a nice evening.

Vaeyn made the spooky voices stop! What a legend, this druid :smiley:

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I’m done with him. Not with you.
You’re still ignoring all of my points, which just makes my points all the stronger.
And your childish replies only help me.

Bad behaviour is subjective. What you consider bad behaviour is not what others consider bad behaviour. If it’s within the game’s rules it’s legitimate behaviour - as stated by Blizz.

I created a survey on War Mode ethics, and the results are very interesting. Most of the respondents have no problem with what you would classify as bad behaviour. Yet others will consider it bad behaviour. Best to just play the game lol. If you don’t like PvP, turn off War Mode.

WM Ethics Survey


Alright; one more reply just because you have the decency to reply in a normal and informative manner (unlike OP and company).

Sure, as are most things. But when the opinion on a behaviour belongs to a vast majority for instance, does it still remain subjective or does it become ‘the norm’? Now there’s some real social research for ya!

And that’s not something I disputed. Yes, it’s legitimate. Doesn’t make it right.

But that’s not the big problem I have with these people

They’re hiding their behaviour behind the label of ‘research’ or ‘social experiment’. Which is wrong in and of itself.
And that’s presuming those labels are real (which I think they’re not because I’ve not been given any reason to take OP’s word on it; just look at his behaviour and replies).

I think this is a thread with a hidden agenda. Whether that’s humblebragging, recruitment, trolling or all of the above is not clear. That is why I’m making a point of this.

It makes it right, because YOU agreed to it when you enabled War Mode.

PvP Example: If you agree to be ganked by enabling WM, and then complain when you are ganked
 you are the one in the wrong.