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I told you in another post im 1.6k now. :confused:

Though i got 1.7k the other day, making progress!

Just like the actions of you and your fellow guild members are disruptive to other players?


The moderators will take into account what they are doing. So let’s ignore them for now.

How would you answer questions one and two? :smile:

IDK what you’re crying about, every post from ‘them’ so far has been on-topic as it relates to your study.


Not to certain about that ol’ buddy ol’ pal’ feel free to check out the ToS yourself.


Behaviour that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable. We expect our players to treat each other with respect, and promote an enjoyable environment. Acceptable behaviour is determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision, and violating these guidelines will result in account and gameplay restrictions.


Sounds a little disingenuous, but I will treat your question with the courtesy it deserves.

What part of it is ‘clever game mechanics’ It is after all just flagging Warmode and camping an enemy city, I mean that is nothing new.

Good call on the renaming front, ‘Roleplayer’ just felt too much like you were taking the mickey out of the fact that AD is a Roleplay server. ‘Abomination’ is much more fitting for the server ethos. The Transmog set unity, I quite like that as a concept. It isn’t one I would ever enforce in a Guild, but the uniformity of it can look good, I’ll grant you that. Worked for the Spartans, Romans, the formalised uniforms of the latter past of the twentieth century armies, so fair enough.

In fairness as someone who never uses War Mode ( just find PvP dull, but that’s just my opinion) I’ve never been directly attacked much less ganked by your lot, but I -can- fully see why many Alliance chaps and chappesses may find it annoying. It is a bit unsporting to loiter around the Portal room and gank people, not because it is simply Ganking (though again, I personally find such behaviour distasteful) but because again I think there is a bit of feigned innocence there.

If someone has had War mode on, and then hearthstones to Stormwind say, with the intention of turning it off, and cracking on with some RP or whatever, they can’t do that if they are instantly jumped on. By camping the Portal rooms you are directly taking advantage of the fact that in just about every case, they -can’t- unflag for Warmode. Now if you could turn War Mode on, and off, wherever in the game world you are, then that would be a bit more fair, and my personal response would be “Well if you didn’t want to get killed, why were you flagged for PvP?” But because they -can’t unflag wherever they are, they have not got that luxury of choice. So really its kind of taking advantage of a poorly thought out game mechanic. I’m not saying it is an exploit, because War Mode is a thing, but it is a bit iffy applying that broken mechanic to camp the place people have to go to take War Mode off.

Anyway, on to the actual questions you posit:

  1. No, the thing with identity, especially on a roleplay realm, is that it is -yours-, Your character can be Jaysis with a battlehammer who means no one any wrong, they can be Genghis Khan on a really bad day. Whether a ‘goodie’ or a ‘villain’, they have character, and to be honest, that is kind of the essence of playing on an RP realm, to play a character in that setting. Even if your character is in the army, they still have their individuality, I mean that’s what makes War Movies always a good source of entertainment, the different characters in it. Clone armies can look cool, I won’t argue that, but you just can’t really engage in them, I mean what is the point? You just don’t care about the characters in a clone army, because they don’t -have- character. Roleplayers can be a contrary, argumentative, stubborn bunch, but its our -right- to be contrary, argumentative and stubborn (This is starting to sound like the closing scenes of “The Worlds End”) It is the conflict that can drive things along. So no, It wouldn’t appeal personally. Having to wear a uniform? Not a problem, I have done. Having to give up my ‘me’? Nope.

  2. Nah. If its not my personal cup of tea, which I think you’ve pretty much gathered by now it is not, then I wouldn’t feel inspired to make an organisation based on that premise, to be honest.

And what is it we’re doing to break this Behaviour ToS? ~This is just a thread about our Social Experiment. We’re not the haters here.

They turn it on in Stormwind, you can turn it off at any rested zone.

Holy hell. This is the same sad dude who kept ganking my level 57 Lock in badlands. I mean I already knew you were pathetic but this is just icing on the cake.

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Fair enough, I stand corrected, I genuinely did not know that, in which case that particular part of what I wrote is null and void. (Like I say, never really used it, I honestly thought you could only turn it on in a capital and off in a capital)

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I believe we all know the intentions of your beloved Russian GM and your “social experiments” and the effect and disruption it has on Roleplay in City’s. I was highlighting the fact that your actions are in violation of ToS, not so such in terms of killing marked PVP Alliance players as thats the games mechanics but the location you choose to do so.

I also use to have a spy in your discord, pretty certain you’ll know who I’m talking about, they left long ago and I’ve had an insight into the sort of events you plan, they are intended to be disruptive towards Roleplay.


Unfortunately i must correct you.
We don’t aim to interrupt RP, merely go for those who wish to PvP. Hence the ability to flag or not flag. In terms of location, are you saying raiding cities is against ToS? If this is the case, then you should bring this up with Blizzard.


Thats very interesting since we don’t plan events. But cool.

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You are just lying and it is very weird to read your equally weird posts about the “social experiment” I mean that was a funny thing to say 5 years ago honestly



Considering you’re a Horde main that implies you don’t play Alliance often,
I find you lack sufficient evidence to make such claim.

Are you trying to get some heh-moments here or what’s the deal ??? This is so embarrassing to read lol


Their whole schtick is just repeating things that were popular 5 years ago


Targetting high pop areas purposely where you can see people are actively roleplaying and purposely trailing through crowds is disrupting that’s the core definition.

You’re mistaken also, i know for a fact that you do plan events, I’ve seen messages exchanged through one of your channels, you scour forums look for events and RP-PvP campaigns and state your intention to disrupt.

How else would i know that your GM is Russian, how else would i know that you have around 18 people in your Discord? (That was during the period said former friend was a part of your G)

Ah, please let it be known what campaigns we’ve been on.

EDIT: also, most of Argent Dawn know that. + we have no GM

EDIT 2: Woops, wasn’t meant to be in reply to Morsteth.

Some day I want to read social experiment worked upon all the “social experiments” people are “working on” on game forums.

You have no Gm? That’s emberassing lmao, i guess guilds just appear out of thin air then.