Need help! [WoW Survey] 🎼

Nah, its not an actual guild (That I know of) its Brit slang for a bunch of idiots, they were not a guild actually called ‘The Goon Squad’ Especially as most of them were from differing realms.

It has slightly different meaning in the US, where it pretty much implied a bunch of thugs hired to do ‘something’, but I -Think- it originated pre World War II, in the Popeye cartoons, as a reference to the Goons, Who came from Goon Island, where everyone was pretty backwards and a bit dim.

Its generally just a collective name for a bunch of idiots, as such, though did see some usage during World War II, when British P.O.W’s would use it to refer to their guards.

Then I misunderstood. But for off-realmers to appear on Argent Dawn there needed to be someone who actually invited them and pulled them into our shard, so I just assumed that to be a guild actually named Goon Squad.

Well, hope you reported them. On the other hand, we had a very fun time tonight in Stormwind, we PvP-d on the beach, the docks, around the stockades and inside the Cathedral. Two of our tonight’s enemies, a Death Knight and a Monk, added me on battle tag, excited and bewildered how much fun both sides had, and immediately started leveling their yet unstitched abominations (as we call our new recruits).

Overall they, even as enemies, had only words of praise for us, and they’ve been very excited about joining us. We had a good laugh and now they’re talking with us on our discord.

So, as you see, this is what our guild does; being an event in itself when we appear in Stormwind, which many of our alliance-side sympathisers have told us. They view us as a “Legion Invasion” type of event. We even have a few people, “Adoring fans”, as we call them, who have followed us, and did /cheer /hug, and, in the end, they’ve drank Elixirs of Tongues and started chatting with us, saying that they love when they can spectate our fights.

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I got reported for saying this, let’s see if they report you.

1: I will admit that I find the idea interesting but I don’t think it would work for me personally. Perhaps i’m merely to cynical but it does sound to good to be true.

2: I were involved in a guld built up in a smiliar manner years ago (not the hivemind part) but unfornatedly it ended with ripping itself apart in the end. Not to forget that I’m an altoholic and hypotetically “being stuck” with only playing one race
 not my thing.

I do hope these answers will help with your sociology research.

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Hey, they will, for sure! Thank you so much for sharing everything with us! :smile:

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Well, that’s the debatable part.

If I were to gather a group of people irl, all dress the same and start mugging people on the street and call it ‘a social experiment’, we’d still get hunted down and arrested at some point. You can’t hide ‘being an —’ behind ‘a social experiment’.

Ultimately, this is the major flaw in your reasoning.

I remind you, since you might have forgotten, that this platform is a video game forum, for a NOT real life video game. Therefore we are not mugging imaginary pixels in a make-believe world; we are having fun playing within the confined rules of the said video game.

If there is something you did not understand, read this forum post AGAIN to get reminded that this is a video game.

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Even with WM on, there’s rules about grieving. Imo what you and your fellow ‘faceless lackies’ are doing is grieving. Simple as that. It’s a despicable kind of behaviour and you’re hiding behind the statement that it’s a ‘social experiment’. The truth of the matter is that all of the participants are just acting sadistic and having fun at other people’s expense. There’s no talking around that. THAT is the truth.

So my reasoning is sound. Acting bad irl or acting bad in a game is the same basic behaviour. Acting like that within the ‘law’ or ‘rules’ doesn’t make that behaviour any less despicable (there’s examples of that irl too, so yes maybe I should have used such an example).

A very good example would be Blizzard’s actions regarding the ‘Hong Kong Hearthstone’ incident. None of it was against any rules or laws, but many, many people severely lashed out and condemned Blizzard for those (legal) actions.

you always had them
and oily hair. The video just made you notice them.

 sick joke broooo EKSDEEEE

its ironic tho hearing it from a roleplayer in a video game :joy:
 idk how to put it out nicely Nathan so lets leave it here :joy: :joy:

You leave me no choice but to debunk your claims yet again. Let us begin:

The word which made your whole statement irrelevant here is imo.

You see, opinions are like behinds, everyone has one; and as we’re in luck, Blizzard doesn’t suspend players who do not live up to your personal expectations, but for breaking their rules. If you’ve read the posts above, which I’m sure you haven’t, you would see Blizzard’s official statement on this matter “Do not turn WM on unless you want to engage in PvP combat.”

The worst thing I can do to you in game is maybe make you pay a visit to the spirit healer until you turn WM off, while in real life people can do much worse things to each other. I just find it hilarious that you are pushing a SJW agenda here without any arguments, because by pressing WM on, you gave me consent to gank you.

While I understand your need to, for whatever reason, farm forum replies and get to 3k posts on this character as soon as possible, I would kindly ask you not to actively try to derail this survey and stay on topic, because otherwise that would constitute as trolling and people could start flagging your replies for such act.

Let us just agree to disagree and move along.

why are some of the replies flagged and hidden? Red them all and NOTHING was offensive in any way? SJW abusing the report system and sensoring people again?


Exactly, Rottenheim. If you read the entire forum thread you will know who flagged them (as well as flagged my original post, which then got unflagged by the mods), but don’t let that get to you.

Please give my survey a reply, if it’s no bother to you. It would mean a lot. :grin:

I assume his “social experiment” is how many decent people can justify their bad behaviour by joining “hive mind” thus outsourcing their bad acts to the said “hive mind” and feeling not personally responsible for them. That’s why everyone gives up their indetity when joining that group. It’s about people committing acts as anonymous part of hivemind that they wouldn’t do as inviduals using their own name. He just doesn’t want to say it out loud.

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Just because you like being a faceless sheep, doesn’t mean others do. My statement isn’t any less relevant because it’s my opinion. You don’t get to devalue MY opinion. :man_shrugging:t3:

There is a HUUUUGE difference between you, as a person, ganking someone and a whole group of similarly named, similarly looking people all ganging up on someone. And you KNOW that, I’m sure.

You’re now accusing me of something I’m not doing. I’m sharing my opinions in this thread, as is my right. THAT is what the forums is for. Not your personal tool for fake surveys.

You and your conspirators are guilty of acting like horrible human beings. As long as you deny that, I’ll not move along. Stop hiding behind fake social experiment claims. I’m suspecting that it’s YOU who’s trolling and this thread is just ‘humblebragging’ about your horrible deeds. Prove me wrong.

Spoiler: You can’t.

Tahra, at this point you are just showing bad mannors and weak arguments. I wish you a wonderful day, regardless; as I do not wish to childishly bicker with you any longer. :slight_smile:

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Dont mind Tahra, EVERYTHING, offends her
even mythic plus.

If the same type of guild forms on alliance side, I would totally join them! Would like to keep my name though. :grinning:

Actually got ganked in SW by you guys. Had great fun fighting ( and hiding) against you.

Dont mind all the negativity, you guys are actually making the world feel more alive and dangerous. If you dont like getting ganked or grieved. TURN OFF WARMODE.


Yet I don’t see you debunking any of them, because it’s based on actual logic and facts. :man_shrugging:t3:

Well, your victims probably did not wish to be swarmed by faceless stalkers either. Yet, here we are in a thread with you bragging about it. :thinking:

Hey, Ahrmon. Thanks a lot! :grin:

I will add your valuable response to the survey answers.

I urge you to try and create an alliance guild, with some friends, in a similar fashion and we could organise some PvP events at some random location like Outland and have a blast. :grin:

Thanks about the “making the world feel alive bit”, since it is what we are actively trying to do. It’s great fun and it makes for great memories with my friends. :space_invader:


I’m not offended :crazy_face::face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Why the personal attack?

I’m making claims based on logic and facts, but all I get back is: ‘youre trolling and derailing the thread’ instead of PROOF that would debunk my claims (which leads me to believe I’m right even more).