I assume this is not intended as the items are showing for my current level(lvl 10) but when I try to buy any of the gear it says I need to reach lvl 30 to purchase the items. I can buy the reputations tokens and the pets, but if I try to buy the gear it says I need to reach lvl 30 first.
I wrote about this once and they removed my post. The lvl 30 requirement makes no sense ever since the adjustment allowing us to queue for timewalking as early as from player level 10.
They don’t seem to like level 10 twinks either, but aren’t aware that vendor items are lower in ilvl than the items which can be received as boss drops. I can’t see this being a problem in any way.
Weird that they’d remove it, especially since I don’t recall it being a problem with the previous 2 timewalking vendors.
Yeah, all it does is make leveling easier, not just for twinks but for new characters too as you can just transfer some time warped badges and get your new char decked out with some good gear for the level but now limited to lvl 30 for some reason.
Hi there,
While it’s certainly possible, I’m not entirely convinced this is a bug and I can see valid reasons for keeping the other vendors at level 30+
You could definitely argue the other way as well though, and it’s certainly valid feedback in any case and might benefit from a wider discussion. Which is also why your thread wasn’t removed, Ultimutt, but rather moved to GD and is still available there.
Feel free to continue the discussion there, or as always if you believe something isn’t working as intended, report it as a bug.
You may not have removed it entirely but you’ve essentially buried it among the sea of general discussion spam without even acknowledging it. Sure, I’ve been coming up with a number of threads lately and I’ve been slightly annoying while doing it but I have a real strong case why the topic should stay HERE.
Look, I’m on a level 20 character.
ilvl 86 piece of armor from classic timewalking vendor, in my bag
wotlk timewalking vendor is selling armor of identical ilvl to me, but it won’t actually complete the transfer because of the “hidden” pre-patch level 30 requirement
The third screenshot shows that the vendor items are INFERIOR compared to the actual instance drops for characters OF ALL LEVEL RANGES so the counter argument of not wanting to allow level 10s to quickly gear up with quality BLUE items which are slightly stronger than HEILROOMS is completely invalid.
A great and horrible mess has already been made with timewalking leveling. Players are zipping through levels so quickly that often they often go long without an item upgrade so they end up performing the role of dead weight during a dungeon run, which leads to toxic behavior or vote kicks. Being able to buy an item at early level benefits not just them but everyone. Players no longer receive stat templates for timewalking, instead everything adjusts to their current character level. I can’t tell you how many players in 60-70s range I have already seen using gear matching that FROM TWO EXPANSIONS AGO. A damage dealer won’t be yelled at but an undergeared healer or tank unfortunately won’t be staying for long. That not just my opinion but stark reality of modern wow with gogogo mentality.
It is very possible that the upcoming Cataclysm Timewalking (Dec 18th) is still stuck with an even higher player level requirement of 40, and yet it too had received an update allowing players as early as 10 to queue up for special event timewalking dungeons. We can probably expect Legion Timewalking to have a hard lock of min player level 45 or 50, as it was the case before the latest revamp.
I’ve respectfully made my case why this does not even warrant a wider discussion so please forward the information. It’s only a matter of flipping the switch. 99% of transmogs no longer have a player level requirement either so there is absolutely no excuse not to remove all remaining restrictions.
I didn’t make up the new rules, you did. I’m just asking you to apply them consistently thorough the game content.
Time to make some sweeping adjustments. Who could have guessed there would be more problems in the future?
During Cata TW the portal device in End Time has a level 35 requirement and the loot chest at the end of Throne of Tides cannot be opened/looted by character below 30.
As for the Cata TW vendors in ORG/SW, one newly added mount has a level 25+ requirement while the other requires level 45+. Deathcharger reins from classic TW Stratholme had a 27+ requirement, Infinite Timereaver 27+ as well. Why is this still a thing after so much feedback?
Everything should be accessible as early as level 10 but I suppose you won’t even be able to see the armor pieces on the Cata TW vendor unless at least halfway towards the maximum level. At level 20 I see only the mounts, transmog ensembles and the tabard.
Why won’t you decrease the character level requirement for badge currency timewalking armor when the vendor items are significantly inferior in ilvl to boss drops from actual dungeons?
What we are seeing in-game aren’t bugs or logical design choices for a more modern iteration of the timewalking system but a remnant of the past and a result of poor quality assurance.