Need more Comedy in the game, silly quests or just Fun mini games

In the ‘oh this is neat… Once or twice.’ universe. :wink:

I hated the idea. Thought it was sort of insulting to think world content players would want something like that.

But in practice it was okay. I didn’t continue doing it though once I got the rewards, so there’s that.

As for the topic: I’m not a huge fan of ‘different games within WoW’, since I play that to … you know … play WoW. But… If they’re not mandatory and such; sure, sounds like a good plan.

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I’m still waiting for the last quest to finish the daycare derby achievement. I think it’s probably appeared every time I’ve been away. Either that or it doesn’t exist …

Yeah I remember having to wait a while.

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  • bejeweled mini game from dalaran / jewelcrafting
  • sunflower mini game ( plant v zombies )
  • temple run mini game?
  • guess the difference
  • more secret quests ( clues )
  • mine sweeper
  • Tmog puzzles ( allowing access to certain dungeons / events exclusive to how you are dressed )
  • Trivia questions ( make it super hard for an achievement )

few more examples

Even the jokes have to be politically correct these days.

I mean take a look how satire is dying around the world. It is hate speech.

I didn’t mind most of the quests but those flying ones

Just no, awful.

That was one of the games that didn’t work so well …

And jump quests were so awful I gave up on them. I can’t do things in 3D (can’t do underwater quests either for the same reason)

Don’t remember mine sweeper?

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Flying and swimming quests that ask the player to collect or go through things are the bane of me because of how hard it is to get a proper perception of your position.

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I kinda liked those puzzle world quests they used to do in Legion and BfA, like the bejeweled style minigames, the untangle puzzles (i believe theres a toy for that aswell), the turtle maze, match two memory game, follow the ball under the cup, ect ect, there was a bunch of them, i liked them.


In general I feel the minigames in Torghast were nice, also the Kirin Tor world quests and Nazjatar puzzle solving. They offered a nice change of pace

yep, this

This kind of things would do nice in delves to be honest.

agreed, there is no soul in this game anymore, its either too " politically correct" or pandering to certain groups of people

everything is either too serious , or virtue signalling
would love the game to be just that… a game, make it more fun, add some comedy

puzzles were great in legion

They should build a emulator into wow and then create an arcade at the dark moon fair, where you can play warcraft 1 and 2 and other stuff like lost vikings.

The hell we need.

Comedy and silly quests ruined the tone to some extent in this game before.

I rather have depressing quests from Shadowlands, than silly BS quests like Whelping Daycare.


I think when we say “silly” we mean quests like Gnomebliteration (like the one in Uldum), or quests with bombs exploding in our face and making it dusty and scorched (some Goblin/Gnome quests?), or quests where you slide down a water canal (like that one in Grizzy Hills). In other words the “absurd” type of silly.

And yes, toilet humour still has place in the game. Imagine a quest where you have to put in random ingredients, like the one in Emerald Dream, and then you have to eat it, and depending on how well you do you either just get a stomach-ache, or your character vomits randomly for the next 5 minutes, or even runs to an outhouse.

And there could be a quest where you have to shoot yourself out of a cannon, like that Darkmoon Faire minigame, and while flying in the air a gnome shoots faster past you and hits a wall.

Get in the keys with me and all you’ll see is comedy.

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Almost all story of DF was a comedy. Badly made, but comedy.
That hundred of quests with dragons eggs, omg… EGGGGSSS!! SAVE OUR EGGS!!! NEED MORE EGGGGS FOR GOD OF THE EGGS!!!. That was so stupid.

There better play benny hill theme from discord music bot aswell or Im out! :smiley:

The lore the last 3 expansions is pure comedy

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As long as they don’t go overboard with it like in cata.
I’m still salty about Badlands…