Need more M+ titles

There is only one worthy achievement in M+ keys - 0.1%, which includes a measly 1-1.5k people every season. This is insanely small and discourages other people from playing keys. Achievements for all 10 keys do not cost anything; these achievements are made for people who enter the game for the first time. It turns out that due to the presence of 0.1%, you are either a beginner level who has recently entered the game, or have been playing in a group for 10 hours every day for years (streamers/geeks). Most of the people from the 0.1% play in parties. Obviously you need to add at least 0.5% and 1% of achievements to M+. You can also 3%, 5%, 7%, but at least something between 0.1% and 10%. Saying “only 10% closed 10 keys” means not caring about all those who are between these 10% and 0.1%. There is no point in playing keys for people who are currently included in this 0.1%-10%. For what? They won’t receive a 0.1% achievement, why should they continue to play, why should they renew their subscription (like me)? Blizzard is losing subscribers from these people every day, these are not empty words, I have friends who left wow because there was no point in continuing to try to push M+ keys. What’s the point in me continuing to play this game? I don’t know… Will the introduction of 0.5% and 1% really require colossal investments? I won’t believe it. Please, Blizzard, add M+ achievements (0.5-10%), add meaning to this game…

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