I need a little input here. So I’ve read at some point that shadowpriests are priests that forsake the church of light for the forgotten shadow. That makes me wonder,
Is that a mandatory religion for being a shadowpriest?
If you’re not into the cult of forgotten shadow, are you not a priest then, what are you? A shadowmage?**
How would a void/shadowmage*** be different from a shadowpriest?
If I want to be just ”an elf who uses shadowmagic” no religion involved, what’s the best way to go about it?
I picked priest above lock because I want to be able to heal in pve in case someone thinks “why not save the trouble and go with lock “
** I know shadowmage isn’t a “real” class but looking at the wowpedia they seem to be a mix of lock and sp
Maybe I’ve never thought of void elves being the equivalent to shadow priests or some form of shadowmage, more an “insert class” now able to use shadow magic, but still at the core using that class’s abilities. Ofc one could maybe have said been a “regular” mage and now just using shadow magic? Does that make sense?
The only thing we have about shadowpriests as far as I know is the little bit that’s on wowpedia that states they are a religious counterpart to the regular priest of light. “ Like all priests, they dedicate much of their lives to worship”, and I want nothing to do with worship or religion so will skip the priest part for safety
About them being accepted in the Alliance wasn’t really a question