Needing raid loot to sell

I’ve not bothered with pugging raids or doing LFG until this patch since I have more time to play my alts and noticed that a lot of people are now needing on items that they don’t need knowing that people will offer to buy it from them.

Example 1. Doing raid finder Tindral on my alt and the tier helm drops. The winner was a mage with 4pc tier all champ and above and a 483 none tier helm and when I /w him about it he offered to give it to me for 10k gold…

Example 2. I did Normal Igria on my priest and got the tier. I was then whispered by 3 others in the group offering me between 10-20k for the tier I won.

I have even been offered low amounts of gold for raid finder gear and slightly higher amounts for normal loot (mostly trinkets, tier and weapons). The fact that I can have players offering me gold for the loot I get means that the people who need on items they don’t actually need are doing so knowing that someone will likely offer them some easy gold (even if only 5k-20k) for the item. I have seen so many people needing on loot and sometimes even winning the loot they don’t need, taking away the chance of other players actually getting gear…

This is also only possible since Blizzard made it so you can now trade cross realm and the fact that you can now need on many items that you no longer actually need (except for tier) most of the time. Recently had a paladin win the Tindral trinket that he already had. both champ trinkets same item level.

Anyone else been seeing this happen in their runs? I know that most people who need items do actually need that item but its pissing me off when I see someone need something and win just because they have a chance that someone will offer them some gold for it. I have seen this not only happen to me and my alts but other people losing out on upgrades because of it…


I don’t pay any attention. I roll on something I want, and I either win it or I don’t. If I don’t win it, I have another chance in the weekly vault.

I don’t go to a raid to scrutinise the loot rolls and check the gear of the people who are rolling on items. I have better things to do with my time.

I agree that the whole needing to sell thing is a bit sucky but other than making everything non-tradeable/soulbound not sure what you could do about it. Even then people would still need stuff to vendor or disenchant.

I’ve rolled on loot every week and someone else has always won and i’ve often seen it sold or the person really didn’t need it but this week my luck finally changed and i won the roll on every item i needed on with 98’s and 100’s (and i only ever need on items i really need).

I got both my trinkets from the raid and then i went and did the TW quest and kinda felt bad as i got the champion version of one of the trinkets from the quest.

Luck will find you eventually :wink:

Well adding gold trading cross server is what started it.


Same, I go to the raid, roll on the items i need then walk away. It makes no difference to me if someone else won it and sells it.
Once i lost the roll thats it, its gone. I dont get upset about pixels so it really isnt a big deal.


GL started it. :slight_smile:

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