Neltharus Last Boss Problem After the Nerf

We tried neltharus +20 and +19 this week. At +20 mamooth 250k ticking dot didn’t let us go through but even though I think it is a little bir overtuned compared to other bosses it is a dps race kind of fight so getting more gear might sort that out.
The thing I wanna point out is the swirlies at the last boss. After the nerf we can cast items while moving and they increased amount of time for swirlies to explode by 30% I believe. That was a nice change because they were a little bit fast but I think it caused another problem.
They increased the time for them to explode but they didn’t increase the time between casts. Which causes a snowball effect and time to time doubles the area effect on the ground.
Let’s say they were exploding after 2 sec before. And every 2 sec he casts them again. Now he casts them they don’t explode after 2 sec he casts another set of them and for 0,6 sec or something you are surrounded by them some will explode after 0,6 sec some will explode after 2,6 sec. Unless you can track every one of them individually it is really hard to navigate.
They also keep appearing for a while after you break the shield so melee and even range depending on the area denial can not use that stunned time to dps.
I don’t think this was an intended end result.


The mammoth and the last boss need nerfs and design check.

Yeah just did this and last boss became a wipe-fest. It’s especially bad if you get the “wrong” treasure types.
Rose of the Vale and Azure Stone of Might are just awful because they force you into melee range. Sometimes the boss gets completely covered in swirlies, so using either of these might get you killed. Especially Azure Stone. If you get Wand of Negation or Anti-Magic Bomb it’s so much easier to break the shield safely.

  • On Chargath we had 1 run where he never casted grounding spears so he just did magma wave, dragonstrike and then went straight into Fiery Focus. Since it was only a +12 our healer could keep up intil it expired, but on a higher key it would have been a wipe.

  • On Warlord Sargha I had several treasure pick-ups where I didn’t get an extra action button, so I couldn’t help with the shield.

Generally it’s too much extreme and/or unavoidable group damage in this dungeon. I think it’s one of the outliers at the moment when it comes to tuning.

The importance of having a curse dispel also needs to be looked at.

worst part about that boss is that it is simply not fun.

i always hated encounters with external items and buttons

yup, completely agree with the idea that gear will fix most of the issues.

the area denial definitely needs to stop after the shield is broken.

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