Neptulon (PvP) Horde Reconnections

Character: Skythe, Troll Hunter.

Started on Warsong and transferred over to Neptulon and then eventually Dentarg. Good Omen is the main guild I remember but I raided with a couple of others too!

Rolling the same Character on Firemaw.

Gave up on Firemaw. 26k queue. Rolling Gandling

I played a Troll priest on neptulon named Jok. Guild was repent. but i mostly did pvp.

**Character:**Bnagwigc Orc Hunter
Guild: red Angels

Great fun to see some old names!

Troll Hunter named Highcut

Guild name: Drunk Northrend United

How are you guys doing!

Currently rolled on Dreadmist EU

Might here be anyone still playing from Repent?


Played Horde Druid named Doedarn - I remember playing with DNU, i saw that Beatrix was here which is a name i recognize.

Arkaneor - tauren shaman in Good Omen and Wave of Mutilation
Aliya - human mage in GET TO DA CHOPPA (for a while)
Playing this character on Gehennas EU now

Orc hunter Igor.

Guild name: Drunk Northrend United.

I saw some names i still remember, how are you all doing :smile:

Tauren Warrior
Forgot Guild Name
also alot of PVP with my 2h Mace!

haha i actually remember this guild name! i just cant remember my own guild name! :smiley: