In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Neptulon in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
( Imbalanced )
Orc Hunter
Yocrof, orc shaman
Anybody from Bunnypunchers
Frenzer, Undead Mage
The Devastating Throng
Kayleitha / Maevar - Undead Rogue
Overlords & The Devastating Throng
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Obo, Undead Warrior
Disciples of Honor
Character: Philth, Undead Mage
Guild: Flare
Looking for everybody. Beatrix, Shiz, Drakthul, Kal, Castnicke, Aceman, Pointwhite, Memz and so on.
Our Kil’Jaeden kill: Youtube
Character: Flamingsage, Orc Warlock
Guild: Originally DNU but later changed their name to Flare.
Looking for any Horde/Alliance players. Did a lot of PvP so knew a lot of both sides.
Hello Sage and Philth, long time no see! Some old Flare people are planning to play I can point you in there direction. Drop me a pm if your interested.
Greetings Beatrix
Hey Beatrix, Ami here from Imbalanced. Can’t believe you guys are still alive haha
Happy to see you all
Character: Wraak, Undead Warrior
Guild: Imbalanced
Hello ami and bea! ;). Just looking for any of the classic people and if they are planning to play and where.
Hey Ami and Wraak, long time no see! There few people from imbalanced still playing that I know off. From Bad omen and Flare (DNU) there are more. Big chance (atm untill Blizzard announces otherwise ) that some will play on Gehannas (PVP) and some on Mirage Raceway (PVE) something. Poke me if you need some details to keep in touch.
Hi, Duskmourn here, from Bad Omen. I’ll be playing on Shazz, see you there!
Nice to see some familiar names. I knew Beatrix would pop up! I don’t have as much time like I use to but might still play. Is there going to be a guild created?
Character: Rhasta, Troll shaman
Guild: Drunk Northrend United
However, I wasn’t on the server for the entire vanilla period. Happy to see some old DNU names! Flamingsage - your character is probably the main inspiration to why I’m rolling warlock this time around. I’ll be playing alliance on Gehennas 
Thanks for the good times!
i’m not sure how much I will play ( doubt alot) but some I know will play alot for sure. Last and final change will be Firemaw (PVP) horde. Also meant for the others that were asking ofcourse ! 
Yep, I won’t be playing too much. The other servers are full so I think Firemaw is a good choice.
Give Discord or Battlenet, nub healer
Character : Oxi, Tauren Druid
Guild : Imbalanced, Black Ravens
Probably going to play on Golemagg PVP, hope to see some of you there
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