Nerf brain dead dh

Title explains the problem !

Do you notice a difference when a ”good” DH w keys on u + adhd button smash VS a ”bad” one ? How to judge DH skill ?

I played with and against raiku, in terms of dmg I’d say not that much but in term of using cd/utility and kick huge difference by miles.

As already said, more than damage, it depends more on how they use their Cd’s and CC, for me a bad DH is when they come straight at me to put a sigil on my feet even when I can simply hover or even run to the other side of the field, is very obvious. Or just at the beginning when they take some damage they pop all their defensives… and of course the ones that focus me and can not reach me or never interrupt me…
Good ones simply don’t let me do anything, they are stick to me the entire match doing damage like a train. While at the same time doing cc to the heal or caging the other dps :smiling_face_with_tear:

Haven had a DH in my Lobby yet but every lobby got a DK and they only can loose too other DK player
Almost 2x the damage fron other dps, cannot die, very good cc

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Warwithin glad mount is bad so idc anymore

0 dks got r1 got in 3s though last ssn :stuck_out_tongue:

Ye, all the rounds I did today had a DK. I wonder why :upside_down_face:

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this was also the case in s3 df, I don’t think it’s ever happened in game since it came out

Yeah but dk broken nerf

forum logic

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