Boomy best dps in the world.
Mage Unkillable cause he just kites u for 20 years.
Lock a mix of both and a tankspecc.
over and over, always the same fury warrior
remove charge root
remove stormbolt
double charge root with leap
shockwave choice node with fear
apply same to mostr melees
then u can remove precog
u can remove precog, when people ACTUALLY needs to interrupt u
If Precog ever got removed, then caster should naturally get buffed, do you guys truly want that?
Every topic containing ,remove precog, should ,Gift, author with ban where u have win 10 games in arenas as destro lock vs melees to unban account
what casters in current game cast any meaningful spells which dont have a meaningful punish for being locked on their spell? cause most melee at best lock you out 1.5 - 3 seconds. (there is an irony to that since mage and warlock double the lock out time in comparison to some melee kicks and they’res are instant & ranged which is wild.)
Most classes who you can interrupt usually get overbloated with instants or such high damage that typically you’re better off LOSing them entirely until they’ve had their 15-30 seconds of god mode.
off the top of my head i can only really think of arcane mage and evoker being classes hard done by when you kick them, most things like s-priest, affli or shaman don’t even have to care if they’re rebuked and some classes just use things like wall to commit for the go anyway or play with a god like set up like destro/holy where they can confirm the go
arcane mage.
I think melee should have precog: if you manage to get 20 yards away from them, they should become permanently impervious to incoming CC and increase damage by 300 %
You forgot Intimidation shout from that list but yeah i sign this.
1s charge root coming from a mage is quite hilarious.
There are classes such as SP or lock that can really benefit from precog and I would say it’s necessary. But playing a mage thinking you need precog is just delusion as per usual mage can deal with every melee in the entire game unless you are bad at the game. Your entire input is based on making instagram Reels of a random bg OWNAGE. I will not speak further more.
Rakar you are like a broken record, spamming same topics of “i don’t like X, nerf plez”. When are we growing up buddy.
So what happens when you have a 1 melee vs 2 ranged? Bonus points if one of the ranged is mage/evoker.
problem is that u cannot move your character if ur not a outlaw rog who ccs the whole team and haveing perma uptime
Sigh. This again.
They can’t do one without the other. As in, adjust melee without adjusting casters.
Nor adjust casters without adjusting melee.
If they only did one of the above the other would be mostly useless.
I don’t really mind precog if only casters had to cast again.
But it’s also not very fun playing a caster and having some dude cycle his 10 interrupts on you.
I play ele and ww monk. The grass is not greener on the either side, it all depends on matchup.
Its more frustrating to play WW usually, because a good mage or devoker effectively removes you from the game.
Ele has a chance vs all specs.
I don’t have a side to pick in this melee vs ranged debate. The consensus has always been bad melee beats bad caster and good caster beats good melee.
Before removing precog, I think some surgical cuts should be made, and then see how we go from there. The first candidate are frost mage root procs, they need removing without compensation. Frost mage is absurd into melee and removing rng roots will not further weaken them into specs they have problems with.
Warlock ports are super OP on big and z axis maps.
Think these two should be enough for start.
Removing stuff from melee is a different topic.
warlock is also stupid has the ability to oneshot u dies 3m shadow bolts and endless walls
Casters have 10% more chance to get 1800 in SS than melee… Enough said.
And trust me, I understand both sides of the coin i dont wanna say its all nice and easy on caster side (i was plaing SP and aff before long time), but its INSANE how must more stronget ranged are to melee at the moment.
omg can you people stop complaining for 1 minute and enjoy what you have ? this game, the fact that we can interact with each other, make friends, have fun, enjoy some free time, maybe escape the reality for few hours just to live in a phantasy of a child, you have to understand it is NOT YOUR RIGHT, IT IS A PRIVILEGE. can you just stop complaining for a bit and just enjoy AS IT IS because no where else we can find this kind of a thing. if it was, most of us wouldn’t be here already (even those who complain)
the game is perfect as it is right now with all the ups and downs
Maybe ppl are just pasionate about the game and want to make it better?
Jeez dude, maybe go snowflake somewhere else. Here is PVP feedback, and some ppl feel deeply about what they express.
or maybe you just like to complain instead of working a way around to have fun and to counter play what you hate the most ( ill let you guess what it is) the only “deeply” thing i see here is complaining after complaining. you are very passionate about it. but by all means, keep showing how passionate you are by complaining of something you cannot overcome… dude
I will say i agree that a few ranged classes are overtoned atm such as affli, ele, BM, etc. That being said the same thing applies to melees aswell, fury is disgustingly strong atm. If we look at ladder n actual numbers.
Top 1000: 369 melees, 298 ranged.
Top 500: 183 melees, 146 ranged.
Top 100: 29 melees, 35 ranged.
Nothing about these metrics suggests melees are struggling, there are a few outliners in both categories. For casters Ele clearly stands out, for melees outlaw, feral and fury stands out.
If we instead look at Shuffle rating distribution its alot harder to track relevant data since we can only look at rating distribution that doesnt factor in balance changes so theres nothing stopping people from pushing n going inactive since the ladder is rather stale but if we purely look at each rating bracket instead we get these numbers.
1800+ 61685 melees, 53486 ranged.
2100+ 13339 melees, 14898 ranged.
2400+ 2810 melees, 3536 ranged.
2700+ 385 mlees, 398 ranged.
2900+ 60 melees, 85 ranged.
The biggest outliners at higher rating shuffle is affli lock and BM hunters. This is however not factoring in any of the nerfs that has taken place, both classes got hit by severe nerfs along the way but i still find both to be overtoned, its still worth mentioning though.