Nerf experience

Nerf experience at higher lvls. Timegate the sweaty tryhards so they cant ruin the game for anyone else. Something like this:

Week 1: after 30 you get 0.1 xp, drops disabled

Week 2: after 40 you get 0.1 xp, drops disabled


Having sweaty lvl 60 running around in 4 days isn’t vanilla.

sir this is the SoD subforum

Why does it matter to you that some people no-life the game?

There are more casuals than tryhards, the tryhards still gotta wait for raids to open.

Let them have their fun… pointless thread

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You actually think that would stop people rushing nowadays?

They would grind their brains out with those caps in place. Also, yes this is SoD. No fresh realms here.

Copy-threads on various subforums.

Dood, you really need to be heard but don’t be so sweaty about it!

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I see what you did there :joy: :rofl: