Nerf feral dmg

Feral is a single spec who has Does not affect PvP combat buff of their spam heal abilities in new patch.
Everyone gets 50% or 25% buffs on this kind of spells.
Except ferals.

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Actually false, Rets gets “buffed” sure, but their PvP Multiplier makes FoL a nerf or close to 0% gain and WoG 0-5% maybe. It a buff for their PvE offhealing.

xD Ofc :p…

Nerf feral damage. :slight_smile:

Show targets breakdown + the breakdown of your NPCs’ dps?

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Ferals have same multiplier, but with no buff. So regrowth still gonna heal ~20k normal hit with no damp

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Yes, in bg with saltwater potion or on a green character, or maybe he was biting your pets? Lol… be real at least as a lock you have the kit to cc a feral for the whole incarnation

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To add to this for perspective

Regrowth was not re-adjusted for the health buff at the start of DF, so it already did pitiful healing at max level, then it scales poorly, so it gets worse with gear, on top of that they are doing another relative Max HP buff in 10.1 and buffing self healing to compensate, again, NOT applying to regrowth

So it’s a healing spell, that has an effective nerf applied to it, over 2 patches where overall health of characters was buffed

Going to be really fun in like 2 months when the average character has 600k hp and regrowth still heals for 30k with a 600hps hot 0.01% max hp per second :slight_smile:


In arena, on full geared player.

But nice try. :slight_smile:

Agreed nef feral buff hunters

So you got slapped with another multiplier on top of what you already have on Regrowth and such? Since they UPDATED the multiplier for rets to make it around 0% gain, like they never actually buffed it. That was my point =p

  • Word of Glory healing is now reduced by 45% in PvP combat (was 30%).
  • Flash of Light healing is now reduced by 30% in PvP combat.
  • Light’s Celerity increases Flash of Light healing by 10% in PvP combat (was 20%).

Added it so its more easly explained.
Those effectively makes it around -5% up to +5% nerf/gain. Hard to tell.

Hitting target dummy without versatility- lol . Try harder next time

Since you’re unable to read i will write it again: from rated 3s arena.

Try harder next time. :slight_smile:

Yep. They can put so much pressure on the enemy healers it’s unreal. Trick is to stay spread out.

Show full screenshots with breakdown on targets or you can go home
Why you cut the picture ? Mmmmm

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It’s probably cleaving on pets let’s be honest here

Because i didn’t want to show names. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

you can use paint or w/e and remove the names x) More work but meh

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Yeah i know… i just thought screw it this time though because apparently people think i am talking about the training dummy. How i would ever get such a screenshot is a question none of them could prolly answer though lol.

I think its more that ppl want to see the targets if its pets involved or any of the sort which is kinda understandable in certain ways. Since there has been a few things shown out of line and ppl calling things severally broken when ppl use pots and stuff in BGs for example.
So lets say it showing 140k crit on a player in 3s shows more than just highest crit >_>
You know just like me how many ppl exaggerate or downplay on the forum.