Nerf Fury Warrior and Paladin?

Has the Nerf of the Shaman already been, where are the nerfs of the Paladin and the Fury Warrior? They have more treatment than Shaman’s before the nerf, where is the nerf itself, or are you afraid of drowning in the tears of these courageous classes?
Both classes you mentioned are bonkers in wpvp. I would also add druids there. Healing and mana regen in wpvp must be somehow tuned. And there is stealth rework needed badly...
So much to be done in wpvp which was basically forgotten by blizzard. Unfortunately they will never do anything towards it and the only way to get improvements is to unsub, quit and wait for new engine, mechanics and overall game redesign.
Stop nerfing war for !@#$s sake.

I will tell you how to counter fury, when they use burst or enraged regen, CC THEM, KITE, etc

WOW that was hard

enraged regen is a small dmg reduc with no mitigation like dodge parry etc, it allows you to heal roughly 3 times with bloodthirst, if they cannot use or HIT with bloodthirst, they cannot heal.

Fury sustained damage is TRASH, which means your letting a fury war burst over your face with reck, how about you dont do that, slows, root totems, cc totems, hex, at the right time etc.

wpvp is indeed trash atm tho, remove the w actually.
But we are talking here ONLY about world pvp. In instanced pvp fury is perfectly fine or even undertuned. In world however... his healing is honestly only the peak of the iceberg. You say that way to counterplay fury it to slow him and use root totems?? I don't freaking know how your advice can help anybody if you can't hold him down even as a FROST MAGE. Between Heroic Leap, Two charges... his own slow - he can purge himself from all soft CC with bloodthirst, EVERY 2.5sec or even more often... So maybe Hex or hard CC?? Oh... in mage case you don't have any hard CC to help you for example. The only class that comes to my mind which can take fury warrior 1vs1 is Paladin - which souldn't even be the case, because you don't need to fight paladin in the first place... And Pala beats fury only because even more broken sustain and 6s stun, in wpvp he is also pretty strong.
Is this a satire?