Nerf healers

I think that his iq can’t be so low, maybe he is trolling.

The problem is in the community, people would rather wait in queue 1 hour for a healer, than playing with an another dps.
Mages, rogues, retripaladins, shadowpriest are all great in double dps teams, but people want 10min dampening games instead :confused:

Healer dps rarely get to 10min dampening. They end when defence cool downs are over because dps cool downs are shorter in general.

Anyway. Healer dps already start at 20% dampening.

Double dps should start with 20% reduced dmg? Sounds fair :wink:

I think call of duty is better game for you.

Just remove healers entirely. As a blood dk I have no need for them in raids anyway!

That would be a slap in the face for all non meta classes/specs and all you’d see are face melter melee/caster combs all day who use every offensive cd in the opening. It reduces every needs for cross cc plays, basically trivialising all aspects of tactical aproaches.

Don’t worry. Healers hate blood DKs too. They /W raid leaders telling them not invite you. Spiky health pools, inconsistent damage taken. Horrible tanks to heal. :yum:

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