So I noticed a couple of low geared alliance players at Tortaka refuge in Vol’dun and decided to kill them.
Got attacked by maybe 6 guards. I managed to kill the alliance because they were AFK but if they hadn’t been I’m sure they would’ve gotten away. The guard’s root doesn’t have a DR and they cast it quite often. Also killing them takes a while because of the 600k+ health pool.
Plz either nerf either the hp or the root. Ganking isn’t fun now.
Yea because having a dot on the player will make the guards attack us and its not like they can run back close to the guards to be safe again, we cant one shot players anymore
I seem to be able to escape the guards most times on a Druid, maybe other classes are more difficult to escape. As long as I don’t attack the guards or heal anyone ofc.
It’s a challenge, yep sometimes they will get past. Easier to get them on the way out ofc. But on the way in, those bridges are handy for push mechanic if you have it.
THe game is full of snowflakes and guards must be everywhere so tehy can make Majority of the player base a lil bit more happier for the pathetic excuse of an MMO.
At the start of BfA guards were OK, turtles were manageable, and there were no spectral guards or limitless spawns of waves… Now - it’s like for one kill, of a player who pressed that button to turn PvP on, you need to fight an army of OP NPCs sometimes.
I at least can blink+invis to drop them, but slower/melee classes - it’s a pain to even see that happening to others - always throw invite if I can, to at least try to help them with mass invis.
And in the end - all these guards are pointless and only annoy both sides - they still can’t protect from a raid gank, and they are easily abusable against smaller numbers. Not fun, not good.
Nerf them and remove additional/on small FPs.
or at very least - stop that mindless spam of roots.