Blizzard can’t you fix in a healthy way a class please?
I mean it’s not funny to play against dh they have big heals and big dmg overtime…a bit to much… sticking at the target like a mosquito and killing the ppl.
DMG Burst + constant
healing (Necro needs nerf)
maybe it’s only necrolord… IDK but its way to much and its not fun…
nerf dh after you nerf
ret off healing
feral off healing
war arms dmg
all rouge specs dmg
mages self healing or burst dmg
locks one shot balls
ele vesper
resto druid healing
then nerf dh
Dh is not OP, you never experienced DH in their prime during legion? They were immortal yet still fun to play against. Gliding in their demon form trying to push that extra dmg, i found it cute. As ret i can beat Dh 1v1 100% of time anyways, 1 DR Hoj and they drop in 2sec from 100% hp.