Nerf Ret Pala pls

I’m playing unholy dk, and having a rough time vs ret paladins, mainly that every 3-4 seconds (when they hit judgement) they dispel my diseases off the whole enemy team.

Whats the point get dots on pala when he remove them fast. Or keep him dispell only one dot per 10sec. Coz its really pointless play other spec

This was nerfed in its first weeks (days?) of going live to only dispell on one self. Dispells 1 poison, disease and magic per judgment cast.

When facing a ret with this talent, then yes its very anti unholy but ill give it to the next expansion tops for 2 options to happen. It gets removed or you get dispell protection like everyone else that relies on debuffs and DoTs.

Everyone always gets a counter to our counter.

but is same for assassin rogue. I spent lots of energy put there dots. And he dispell all. After his burst shield I get vanish … run after his turn I started burst. And again all dots removed. So whats the point of this. It is same why other ppl cannot dispell his shield. Or bit balance. I dont have healing like pala. thats make me mi sad in this game

i don’t think ret can dispel bleeds?
poisons are autoapplied anyways unless you play something like sepsis.
So even though he dispels your poisons every now and then (which he can also do with cleanse btw) you applied it automatically and basically instant anyways?

Yea, we can’t dispel teammates with Judgment of the Pure anymore. We haven’t been able to since early Season 1

They are overpowered and quite unfair. Unfun to play againts.

Oh thats a Pala! He judges me! hehehe lets try to kill him. i ll try to keep distance by setting a tar trap. Yes! He is on it! lets run and hit! HuH? Still getting hit though wtf. Damn not too much gap maybe. Ok i ll disengage wtf he marches with horse and freedom while still hitting me from everywhere! Judged. Duh I am slowed again and he is still charging!!! Ok lets… uhh stunned. Those wings? Trinket time! Scatter shot. Ok lets do some damage while running away. Scatter breaks and he still reaches me!!! WTF!!! He has wings!!! Now i ll shield&heal me to delay it. Why those not wearing offf omg how much does it last? Dk’s burst is only 12s last. My shield is of does it matter if i disengage again or use trap? waste of global cooldown… lets start DPSin… ahhh i am deaddd. Atleast i got him to 50% (casts WoG) okey never mind…

So whats not fun about this??? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hunters dying after years of kiting across the world? I see only fun!


Enjoy while it lasts. It might take another 10 years to happen again :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yhea i will… im used to being kited. You on the other hand not so much with being unable to kite. If it goes back to what it was, its all the same to me. Meanwhile keep smashing your keyboard while ranting about your inability to kite that many other hunters have very little problems with… i mean dying to judgment dmg xD

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