Nerf rogues in pvp please

Hey pathetic lowborne kid first off all we cant use both of our deffencives plus they are GLOBAL we need 20 seconds interval to use the other one seond of all THEY ARE DISPELLABLE AND REMOVABLE AND WHAT ABOUT URS KID 3th of all wod cost 3 holy power and if u dont prock art of war u cant continue fighting and heals for max 10k with wings pathetic lowborne kid we dont have vanish like you when we do our buble you just run with sprint and vanish kid here is a video for your lowborne brain to see how pathetic you are scared kids who cant face the game and only hide and your deffensive is not global its 2 minute cd and its 10 seconds plus dodge more 10 seconds

And plus that you probably play usually with mage cool bop doesnt save me from the mage plus that it steals it or if you are a blood elf just dispell it and done u killed the pala cus he cant run cus of the mage slow and your stuns and cant buble cus he is restricted not to for 20 more seconds the conqusion is you are a lowborne kid who cant trinket the only 1 stun from paladin on 1 minute cd while ur stun doesnt have a cd have fun with your lowborne kid and l2p trash human just accept that ur class is the most overpowered controll class of all and can do everything without punish and restrictions while killing us in 4 second stun and have high attack speed while we cant even half people anymore in our 6 seconds stun

Plus that imagine that we get kicked while trying to heal we cant buble cus we are locket and we cant kick you CUS U ARE LOWBORNE KIDS CLASS AND DONT CAST AT ALL

Nice to get some aid from my fellow paladins

If we also nerf rets, sure why not

We just got wog nerfed to the ground people started using selfless healer talant cus word of glory is actually healing less then flash heal even with wings so where is the nerf to rogues???

Yes they want us nerfed to classic rets so we’ll be a meme spec. Seruselly i have to really get lucky with rng to top meters or not be at the bottom.

Still not enough

Yes it is you just don’t know how to play your class…

The irony and lack of self-awareness in this comment is astounding.


I do know how to play my class but we litterly have no counter if you vanish right after we use our cds and we have to to do any decent damage.

Since you’re talking about rated battlegrounds specifically, I’ll give you some advice if you find yourself defending a flag.

Don’t stand right next to the flag. Stand far enough away so that a rogue needs to sap you then run to the flag, giving you enough time for sap to fall off before he caps the flag. If you stand right next to the flag, the duration of sap is long enough that he can cap the flag. If you trinket sap, he blinds you and gets a full cap. If you bubble or bop, he vanishes and waits, resaps and gets the flag, so your positioning is crucial.

Press Consecration when you see a rogue coming towards you and going into stealth.

Don’t trinket a sap, save it for a more meaningful CD (Kidney shot or Blind)

Respect his CDs. If you see him casting Shadow Blades or Vendetta, don’t just stand there and face tank it. Press Shield of Vengeance into his burst, BoP yourself or your healer if the rogue is going on him. You have the honour talent Blessing of Sanctuary to stop repeat stuns you complained about on your partners for 5 seconds. Blessing of Sacrifice for your allys as well.

Understatement of the year. You can’t compare it to Flash of Light because one is a cast and one is an instant. Holy Power does not always need to be used for damage. Wake of Ash grants an instant 3 holy power and with 1 cast of WoG I can crit 20-30k heals on this undergeared paladin, so no idea where you’re getting underpowered from.

Cleanse the poison and cast Blessing of Freedom on yourself. Cast Hand of Hindrance on him

You need to practice fake casting. Start casting it and cancel it by pressing esc or simply moving your character. If he kicks and misses, you’re free to cast for 15 seconds vs a rogue.


Chill out lmao

3 Holy power is very easy to obtain and the only reason you’re getting 10k heals is because you’re literally 70 item levels behind the current top item level.

What do you expect them to do, stand and stab our 100% immunity shield?

This vid is legit over a year old and not relevant to the current game anymore.

Legit have no idea what you’re even trying to say at this point lol.


Every class has something they do well.

Rogues are the best melee 1v1 stealth class.
Mages are the best ranged 1v1 CC class.
Pallies are the hardest to kill & hybrid & support class.
Druids are the best hybrid support class.
Priests are the best healers in the game.

But that isn’t really the point of your complaint is it? :joy:

You complaining about Rogue having good core gameplay for a specific niche aspect of the game, is like me going to the Pally forum complaining about Pally self-healing, because “it’s unfair paladins can do something better than my Rogue can”.

This isn’t a “balancing issue”, it’s a “I can’t handle other classes having strengths I don’t have” issue.

You complaint is about the core Rogue gameplay style, and not about “nerfs”.

If you don’t like other classes doing certain aspects better than your class, re-roll and join them. That’s what I did.

How absolutely typical seeing this topic made by a Paladin. :joy: Every time a post like this comes up.

The people who play Paladin AND complain on forums about other classes, are typically players who pick Paladin because they “hate dying in the game”, so they pick the most un-killable class in WoW. And when they then meet a skilled player from X class, that kills them, then they hop online to cry about “nerfing X class”.

Instead of complaining about something as silly as this… How about learning your class strength and weaknesses, to better outsmart a Rogue next time. Get out of that safe bubble of yours, and get gud instead.


You as paladin press 1 skill and take away half of rogues healthbar

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I see rogues melt in bgs


which one?

Im not that good on rogue yet cuz in s1s2 I played mage, boomy and dh, and this rogue is a week from creating at lvl1, but still…
It should be not that easy to kill ret in open world as well as even on 1v1 arena situation, because:

  1. BoP used when being stunned will remove not the stun only, but any bleed as well.
  2. Shield of Vengeance as well is very powerful short cd spell.
  3. Divine Shield.
  4. Trinket/Parry. Parry is extremely good, atleast against assa rogue who can’t spam shadow step and cheapshot 3 times.
  5. What else…some heals as well combined with cds listed above.
  6. Necro shield is also a tool to even dodge some goes on you like if you used it right before kidney shot etc.
    If there are no pillars around, rogue is pretty weak against you

No i don’t have to be a certain covenent to be decent in content

You can swap to necro, buy a thing to get your renown to lvl40 and then do whatever you like to, it will take for you a few days to get renown 80 then. Or if you didn’t compleve all the story line, you can do it as well, it gives tons of renown.