Nerf rshams now!

I SAID NOW ! 3v3 over 1800(its even worse higher)
BLIZZARD HELLO ?!? NERF THIS DOMINATING SPEC!!! Solo Shuff over 1800(its even worse higher)
WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR BLIZZARD,THROW THEM INTO THE FIRE ?!? Solo Blitz over 1800(its alot worse on higher)


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Here is one for my friends that doesnt understand anything but Raids it seems

rsham has always been the king of m+ for pugs since SL imo. We have so many “ohhh sh*t” buttons. Even when they were the worst tier healer in S3 DF. I proffered them over any other class. But it’s also my main for a while now. :sweat_smile:

Agree, nerf shamans, we are still op, remove healing spells just in case.

I don’t understand, how can a common white class be doing better than the rare blue class?

Why is the legendary orange not best?

Resto shamans definitely are useless and need to be nerfed. They press buttons and we get HP. This is way to powerful.

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