Nerf SV its not a real hunter spec

Can you nerf SV and buff MM or even BM. Or revert it to a ranged spec again please. WotLK or Cataclysm SV was nice, do that again. When it was still ranged. The melee iteration of SV is not a hunter spec.


But what will Bicmex do then?


I’d eat cat crap directly from a litter tray to get back cata survival.


Ahh the OG Black Arrow and Lock n Load with Explosive Shot procs. <3 That was a great time


imagine old SV explosive shot today and throw in toss glaive as well damn i would play that… maybe even add in sidewinders for some spice


Okey can we maybe get whatever old sv was but i keep my meele pet spec pls thx

I like to think about SV as more of a “headhunter” than a traditional hunter.

We have spears, traps, we can go in stealth and we have explosives to ambush. Even a chain to pull to enemies

I’m sorry you disagree, but if not for SV, i would not play hunter at all since i find the other specs boring.

SV is perfect for people who want to play a more “manly” rogue with a pet.
So please keep it melee. If anything, add MORE melee attacks.


Cataclysm SV was the greatest of all time, shame this melee spec exists


Take me back to Korean knock-back trap exotic munitions freezing arrow black arrow explosive kiting master SV of WoD. I would literally pay a bitcoin or two to have SV reverted back to WoD. Most fun I have ever had with a spec in the game ever. Kiting 3 melee att the same time and handling BoS rogues like a baby was peak gameplay.

I agree the melee spec is good - be a bit niche - but good. However it should have NEVER existed at the cost of a physical ranged spec in a game where there were only three in the first place, but like 11 dps melee specs, and in an xpac where they introduced DH that was kept to 2 specs instead of three.
They could have added a SV like gameplay to DH and left SV alone, or at least given DH a ranged spec to compensate the RSV players.

Most RSV players of old, will not listen to anyone arguing to keep MSV, because they look at it as you don’t have the right to keep a very niche spec that took away our spec without anyone asking for melee. If RSV players whine, let them, they have every right to.

No need to nerf SV, just buff BM packleader’s survivability in PvP and buff its AoE damage. Also buff BM & MM DR single target + AoE damage.


I’ve been getting into SV again in the last month and I enjoy it far more than MM or BM, but I still prefer the Legion version which was an actual melee spec. It needed a few tweaks like removing Way of the Mok’nathal and baking Lacerate into Raptor Strike as well as removing traps from the rotation, but instead they pulled the plug and tried to reinvent the wheel once more.


I love SV as it is now.
Only change that would make it even more exciting is if they made it a tank.
Imagine the possibilities. +_+

Addendum: Also, you don’t necessarily need to be ranged to hunt stuff. ô.O’

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Disagree on the tank. The Headhunter SV is clearly a killer :stuck_out_tongue:

SV is quite possibly the most unique and fun class in the game. Both melee and ranged with traps and CC.

Stop SV bullying! D:

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