Nerf the Ward gem to oblivion please

you still need to do ton of dmg to kill those bosses - i cant imagine how scaled they are in mythic - if bosses like thok etc have 2 bilion + health in hc .

you want whole raid doing like 2 mln + dps there - even with ward to clear it in chilled wway :0

well if you just want to farm bronze there is absolutely no point in doing hc .

for exampel normal soo gives 15k bronze - hc gives you like 18k

its btter to zerg normal in under hour then do hc for 2 hours.

This is the only thing helping those of us who didn’t frog farm. Is it boring yes. Does it work yes.

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and its the only thing very fun of this content

The whole mode was advertised as Overpowered, Fun etc.

Why do you want to turn this into a snoozefest? Just make your own group and don’t allow Ward. Problem solved. Jfc tbf.

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It’s not very surprising people resort to these strats when the scaling is still not fixed despite them saying they did tune it 2 times now

You clearly haven’t been a powerhouse if you think clearing old content in retail with some potato character feels the same as clearing same level content with maxed out stats. The running speed itself makes the game feel so much better and you prolly haven’t even seen the rest. It’s also just in your fantasy that bosses fall flat in a second. Fyi they don’t, but surely takes less time and effort to topple them and that’s the whole point of this mode, to be op as hell, yet here you are, doing lfr’s and you think it’s the intended content. ='D

Because he hasn’t even reached max level, let alone seen a single raid inside. Check his achievements, he finished 2 storylines and dipped after like 2 days only to come back half a week later to complain about something that doesn’t even concern him. And these are the people blizzard is listening to. lmao

I will agree its a healers wet dream.


With the amount of leech people have. Gems that self/heal and give you shields…

The roll of the healer is greatly diminished.

We need to do more DPS that’s for sure. And Ward is one way to do it.

Otherwise raid runs would consist of : 1 MW monk (does maximum DPS) 1 tank and 8 DDs.

You clearly new to the game because you don’t know the feeling to be able to finally clear an old raid because you have strong gear that feeling what I was looking for in remix not this,spam ward to deal billion dmg nonsense

They literally are.

That not being op hell ,that literally fall in the defention of cheesing you aren’t killing bosses cze your character strong ,you killing bosses because an ability is bugged

Lol you literally telling this anyone who disagree with you ,you wearing this heal spam like it’s a budge of honor

You’re missing the point of this mode the whole point of it IS to be OP and broken and just fun as there’s 0 PvP involved and its a timed event after it ends all the stats and abilities will be gone making any nerfs obsolete

Dude, just wait another 2 years for your mop classic and while doing so go back playing retail.
Official ad clearly stated you’re supposed to be op and gamemode to be fun. It was fun until they started nerfing everything. Just because you refused to do any of the methods to get strong doesn’t mean others should suffer. Your kind is so disgusting tbh.

It’s going to die pretty fast, just playing casually I’m gaining on my remix average each day an increase of 50-60k dps and 100k hp.

I’m also doing some test before logging off how much I manage I solo some world bosse, right now with just 685k hp and 250/200k dps. If I keep this pace I should be able to solo most of normal raids as a ret pala with 339 itmlv (I miss the neck).

It’s funny because even after those two times they said they fixed scaling, my level 66 warlock with gear upgraded as high as it goes was dying to 3 mobs and my seed of corruption is still impossible to pop with damage due to weird scaling.

"You want to enjoy the game how it was intended, with some added fun? Do you challenges and the option to fail?

What a pathetic weakling you are! Me, a real gamer, who collapses like a pack of croutons from the tiniest of difficulties, avoid any challenging content like the plague.

You should be more like me, begging people to carry me for the rewards and expressing my wishes to Blizzard that I should be able clear the highest levels of content completely AFK."

-Malakit, 2024

You seem frustrated. Did someone hurt you?

Have you even seen a raid in remix, how broken the scaling is?
No need to answer it, your achievements speak volumes of you, your sole experience is based on some gameplay from a video sharing site.

Hope you get better.

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Blizzard has, with the usual incompetence. The fact the we got people like you trying to ruin the game also doesn’t help.

Went to ToT for a bit. Was pretty good. Unfortunately, I don’t have that much time to play currently.

I had to, otherwise you will die ignorant. You still will, but I am trying to mitigate it.

Do you even read what I said or you just copy pasta the same respons like blizz support

Warding = boring ability that ruin class
I want to be OP using my CLASS/SPEC ABILITES and not by spamming heals as DPS

And it’s was advertised as becoming OP via scaling cloack/gems NOT get 1 gem and win the game

That’s not my point at all. My point was that you STILL need Ward because even with it, the raids take too long. As by your own admission: “under an hour” for four raids is STILL a pretty darn stupid length of time for an event that insists you do everything daily in order to have a chance of getting everything from a once in a lifetime event.

It’s up to you pal, nobody is holding your hand, just don’t be jelous of others please, it’s very rude. Also, I had my fair share of challange with the god awful scaling while leveling, thanks.