Nerf the Ward gem to oblivion please

It is incredibly boring. I know the activities of this fomo bootleg mode are much more a means towards the end but the gameplay experience should not suffer to THAT extent that it does with this meta gem.

Or just buff other gems, make it so the wards dont stack or whatever. Degenerate style.


just make your own group and ask people not to use it, not everyone wants slow-paced gameplay :stuck_out_tongue:


They should nerf your character to oblivion so you can enjoy the content better.


use Ward… spam heals, hit boss for 1 billion

clear content,

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yeah great content to have less than 30 second bossfights

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Yeah it’s awful, just stick to lfr.

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Wanting just an inkling of a challenge should not be looked down upon. Also I would be happy if it stayed as it is but (at least some) other meta gems were buffed to the same level so I do not have to use the same one every time. And if you dont, you get kicked.

this is not a remix, this is a sneak peek or a bare sample

Little bro is looking for challenge in the “BE OVER POWERED” game mode.

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And I’m still looking for the “be overpowered” in this so called “overpower” mode


you mean “BE A HEALER” game mode cze that what this bs litreally is

They need to significantly nerf the raids because even with the Ward strat , it takes too long. I am not spending hours every day for the next 3 months doing raid clears, lmfao. Especially now that I have to given that I missed the whole frog farming situation.

well you won’t find op characters among whiners, that’s for sure

“bwaaa stop having fun” :sob:

cze that not fun ? might as well hit retail and do MoP raids with ilv500 character


Then play retail and do actual raids then? go do mythic plus stop wasting your time on content you don’t enjoy. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Lfr and Normal is Ok.
Hc required some heavy Booster to work properly .
For Mythic-Siege is a Waste…

Depending on the mod you are playing is either Godlike-or Crapp…

lol if you having fun spamming heals on a tank to defeat a raid boss maybe you should play retail ,heard they’re lacking in healers

i enjoy this game mode when ward get nerfed next patch


Yeah but there is a difference between having OP character that deals lot of dmg to spamming 1 gem + heals kinda killing the whole point of having an op character

Let me deal load of dmg using My class abilites not this healer wet dream nonsense

Ward of Salvation is a disgrace.

MoP Remix turned out to be a badly done amateur Fruity Loops mash-up

but later bosses in soo hc have more then bilion hp :slight_smile:

and ward bugs half of time :slight_smile: