Nerf torghASS or REMOVE IT

mandatory? for what? LFG and lows*it m+ runs? XD
and as i already said, u can easily clear layers 1-2, it will take more times to get legendary but you will get there.
wow its alwyas has been like this, first of all make friends/group up to make your life easyer
then, the less you play or the less hardcore you are, the less/worst rewards you get, enjoy :smiley:

idk, but uhm, you know how much dps you can gain if uhsing appropriate legendairy?

And uhnm, Thats how it works?

Lets atalk about the 1 peace out of 8 m+ problem, shall we?

Last night i was so lucky on L6 as elemental shaman,got the 5x 10% more haste on BL and the Drop any tottem and you get BL for 15 sec(no Sated debuff) it was soo good.Every 30 sec 80% haste.
But then there are horrible soul crushing runs,it is rng when it comes to anima.

what? they reduce quantiyt of loot form all the content type, its fine, you just have to forgot of the shtfiesta of BfA lol
wow has kinda alwyas been like this, gonna take time to gear up.

thats why i told you you can easily clear lower layers of torgast and still make your legendary lol
plus, no one cares if u dont have it and u dont play at a very high competitive level

Ahh, yes, lets make that 190 kekw leggendairy when you shoulnd aim foor better?

IJ care if I do have it because I do fall behind others in a manner where RNG is over the top.

If I spend an hour on my mage in a thorgast run to find a boss not killable, because of how many interrupts it requires or what not, even on l3.

I do chase my ya know, bis legendairys.

dunno if you lack something on the comprensive level…
you just need soul ash, which can be lootet at any layers
each layer give a reduced amount of ash
they did this exactly for players that, i dont know how, struggle to climb it lol

so yeah, you guys crying for no reason at all :slight_smile:

But you dont get extr asoul ash for running layer more then 1 time… I dont know how I am not comprehensive? :smiley:

On top of that, this made -alot- of flaws unrelated to TG fyi…

I almost completed level 5s last week with ease.

Now I cant even solo level 3.

Its litteraly impossible. I know my gear sucks but come on.

What happened? It doesnt matter if I have 2% life per second, 5% life per hit and other powers, I get globalled by elites.

I thought I could clear 4 but the elite ritualists globalled me after floor 3.

Ashamed, I clicked level 3. The elite 2 packs that OFCOURSE SEE ME THRU STEALTH just kept killing me.

I used Blind on one of them but not even with Evasion and lucky rolls on my roll the bone could I take it below 50%.

I had no PROBLEMS with this mob last week.

Are they buffing Thorgast every week? Feels like every elite got triple damage and double their heal.

I was going for my legendary before heroics but this is just unfun.

I do all I can. Gouge to wait for cds. Stuns. Blind. Put a mawrat on combat to avoid assassins.

It doesnt matter.

Should I be forced to play a warlock with void tank or a prot paladin to enjoy this?

Please make that * heal poison baseline for all rogues. Atleast thats a start.

You can get the legendary by just doing Layer 1.

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30 minutes for one layer :weary:

When the next tier releases.

? What does that have to do with getting 120 soul ash per wing on layer 1?

5100/240 must be hard math for you.

So do layer 3 instead :man_shrugging:

Or maybe do what the game intends you to do which is do all the layers and make it doable by everyone no matter the group composition or if you’re alone

Hes just an annoying person that cant handle people criticising elements of the game XD

Yeah some people are like that , they just cant accept that something can be bad about their game and will go on a posting spree trying to show you that you are wrong

nha, its just that you gjuys are crying for no reason
no one force you to clear all layers, since legendaries are even ‘gated’ trough your ilvl, so its pointless to try rush max ilvl/soul ash
plus, you crying over a roguelike content, and roguelikes are based on rng, some runs way harer then others, end of discussion

No game is perfect, but I enjoy the game, and I don’t feel like any content is mandatory.

I don’t do the Maw on my Monk for example, because it absolutely sucks.

Where does it say you NEED TO DO all Layers?

Right on the tin label that clearly says in bold print: NO RIDING IN MAW UNLESS YOU COMPLETE LVL8!