Nerfed again xD

go ahead and delete the class at this point blizz, whats the point in playing the class that already does the lowest single target damage in the game when you cant even do what you were supposed to be good at and thats killing adds


They design a spec to be good at something, then a full raid around that spec perfectly then they’re shocked when they’re… good at it.

Then they throwout kneejerk nerf’s that don’t make sense (after the first one) and ruin the class entirely. Seems pretty spot on blizzard to me, for non-casters.


mate this is for pvp but they dont realise this nerf will affect us in pve and all they do is listen to people complaining about it and kiss their backsides.

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Well, quite. The fact they threw out the 3% nerf was the first glimpse of how they don’t think about how things effect other sides to the class / content.

3% nerf hit singletarget. Our Singletarget is trash. It was lazy, as is this new PTR change. I’m all for balance but at least use data, and actually tweak the things that need tweaking.

The OF/TR nerf was fair at the time. It was a problem and overtuned. The 3% overall nerf was stupid. Now this new cap is stupid, considering most classes are uncapped.


i agree i made a arms one and now seeing this im questioning myself to keep lvling him or just do a another class as all they attention is to nerf anything any baby kids complains about…

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I actually have faith the outcry, which is now gaining some traction at least will see these changes scrapped because they are quite simply bewildering. Imagine hitting a class with a 3rd nerf when they’re under Aug as of today for Singletarget damage, and already middle of the pack in m+.

I’ve cancelled my sub so letting it run out, will resub if they see sense. Will see what changes happen but if these are planned to go through I can’t be assed re-rolling, when the way they balance classes and clearly favour some over others. It’s so flippant and lacking smarts.


Just level Rouge or Mage. Both are always at the top if not OP.

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Seems like it’s the case a lot of the time, doesn’t it? I mean, you can throw some others in there too at times but yeah it definitely seems like over the years there’s a certain pack of classes that have been at the top more than the rest.


Actually completely opposite, those nerfs were really targeted at PvE.


You really do get the feeling at this point, whoever is making warrior decisions at Blizzard HQ, have no clue.


Yep, looking once again at stats, we’re really not doing well at all. Welp, more nerfs rip.


Seems like they are nerfing class not because of its performance, but according to its popularity, as we can see, the most popular classes (warr, hunt), very rarely can get some place in “meta” instead of rogues, priests and mages (but seems like they’re also very popular l)

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