I don’t know why you are insisting of destroying fun, but you somehow always do it. I have a feeling you don’t really play your game or just take time to see how your classes works. But by removing double dip to Burden of Power you again are taking the fun out of the rotation to Sunfury Arcane Mage, and it is sad to see, you still do not learn from your past. You already tried to do this with Nether Precision and it back fired. You might as well just remove spell queue from the game since its where you always try to nerf.
I agree Sunfury Arcane Mage needs a nerf, but removing double dip is not the answer it is part of what makes the Mage specs FUN. Instead nerf the multipliers to burden of power or something else.
What makes this change really bad is for the AOE rotation, in AOE you want the Burden of Power proc for Barrage, which leaves you at 0 Arcane Charges.
This means you probably have to Barrage again with 0 Arcane Charges to consume Glorious Incandescence and get back to 4.
This is really unfun gameplay, please Blizzard reconsider this change.
I agree, I am fine with nerfing the damage, but its like they are determined to nerf the gameplay. I think I see somewhere that this change is around a 3% nerf. So we nerf the gameplay for a silly 3%?? Really there is nothing learned from the NP change, where the problem is you take the fun out of the gameplay.
I would imagine that the AOE rotation will just feel really clunky and so not fun, or I may just play as usual on how the rotation is, since its a silly 3% nerf. Again I am waiting to see what the clever ones are cooking up with the APL.
But again Blizzard, just play your game and read the comments on what people are saying even from back when you changed the double dip on NP. We are Fine with nerfing the damage, but we are not fine with you changing the gameplay and make it unfun. You could have such a fine polished class and spec at least for Arcane Mage, but you are determined to shoot yourself in the foot, and not listening to your community. It is truly sad
yh i mean for this point on, i think the developers have no idea what they are doing or have no clue how mage works, Pls fire them and hire Preheat to the team…
this is turning into a joke