Hey all,
As the title says, we are in the process of recruiting a few players to strengthen our roster. It should be noted that we intend to raid in the summer as well, without though the attendance being strict, people need vacations or go out more. We respect that and we intend to facilitate it the best way possible.
Regarding the actual recruitment, we need experienced players, which means, that at the moment we do not accept new comers and returning players, not for this tier at least, if you want to apply for 10.2 you may do so.
We are currently in need for the following roles/classes:
2 Healers
2 Range Dps
1 Melee Dps
Classes do not matter much at the moment, but in ideal world, we would love to get some interest from Warlocks, Mages & Shadow Priest, for the range dps that is.
Warrior and Monk for the melee dps
Resto Druid, Preservation Evoker and Disc Priest when it comes to healers
But as i said classes don’t matter much.
You may find more information about the Guild on our website www.nerve-guild.net and/or add me on Bnet: Audacity#21362
Discord: Audacity#0373
Thank you for reading,
Kind regards