Net-o-Matic 5000

This toy is exceptionally useful. However, I'd like to see its use extended simply to PvP enabled targets, Warmode or not.

Plenty of people still try to come to SW/Org to kill others before mounting up then sitting in the air.
i'd like to see it extended to all mounts and not just flying. its laughable that they give this out in an expansion with flying disabled as of now.
Looking forward to using it in BfA zones though. Starts looking for good BfA zone perches to extend range :)

Extend it to druid flight form as well

Not gonna do anything though because druid can mount again mid air

Make it useable anywhere, put the target in combat too. Make it apply to anything which prevents the target from being stunned mid air so brooms etc too. Perfect ganking item then it would be :ok_hand:

I’ve dismounted numerous druids in flight form and they usually fall to their death, since the net-o-matic 5000 puts them in combat mode.