I think everyone is aware that there’s pretty much a 50/50 chance of getting ganked by full groups or raids at neutral flight points,and people doing that don’t have to put any effort in it as they’re not challenged
One of the reasons for that is that neutral flight points have either weak guards (3 soloable guards in the stormsong tortollan camp that won’t even aggro unless you’re right next to them) or no guards at all (neutral drustvar flight point).
That makes them a much too easily exploitable way to grief other players.
Which is why those areas need better guards,something akin to goblin cities for example.It would force players to actually engage in PvP for their warmode rewards and would prevent unfair ganks that just break the flow of the game
Why should PvE challenge be in PvP?
They don’t attack neural FP, they attack you or other players. Guards are there only as a courtesy, not your own defense raid.
Plus, there is for example horde FP in Drustvar, in the mountains. It spawns lots of guards, but it never stops Alliance raid from camping it, not even a bit.
FPs with less/no guards make world in WPvP more variated. Every place you visit doesn’t suppose to be your safe-heaven. Capital cities have best defenses, and smaller the cities/villages/camps have less or no defenses.
Everything that happens in War Mode stays in War Mode.
Yeah, just because you morals tell you that it’s somehow not, or you just want it to be so, but PvP is Player vs Player, nothing else. It can be scripted and with rules, like BGs, Arenas, etc. Or unscripted and sandbox like WPvP.
When you alone defending Mine in AB, and 8 enemies come at you - do you think it’s also “not PvP” ? or 8 is not 40 and it’s OK?
Suck it up and put on your big boy pants. No wonder the game is in such a state right now.
They gave you an easy out with Wm, they used to have an even easier out with normal servers. You will pretty much soon have the easiest out going to pop into the inn and turn wm on or off.
Please stop ugh, the level of waaaah I get ganked here. Try playing on dragonmaw back in vanilla and having two security guildies sat with two raggy hammers on your lock with a disc priest camp you till thier raid starts.
Look at all those people ruining war mode because they can’t PVP and need to camp flight points to get kills
Listen,I care more about world PvP than you all,and that’s exactly why I’m asking this,because I want to see people killing each other and fighting in the world
What you want is rewards without effort by killing people who can’t even fight back
If you’re afraid of fighting someone who can fight back,it’s your problem,but I don’t suffer from the same issue,and people like you actually deter players from actually participating in the war
WM is deliberatley designed to be random unfair stuff happening. WPvP has always been this way, always. That is the game you have chosen to play.
Different players have different expectations about ganking. I personally enjoy it, approaching WPvP like I did with FPS deathmatch/ctf/koth games before WoW - kill em all.
You don’t have to do that if you don’t want to. There’s no reason to play by other players rules, do whatever is fun. And give others the same respect.
This is an endless debate, going back to start of WPvP, look at old forums. One side will never convince the other, I tried before lol, impossible.
You might prefer an RP realm, if not already on one. Their WM is separate from normal realms, and generally a nice relaxing WPvP experience. I used to be on one, but moved off because I didn’t want nice relaxing WPvP.
In fact, anyone that brings up honor, fairness, etc. is an RPer at heart. I am sure RP WM shards is where they could better enjoy WM.
thing is,I don’t want a relaxing experience in warmode,I want an endless slaughtering grindfest,but the flight point campers prevent that from happening
So you can’t in WPvP and you’ve decided to have some Forum PvP… well, your insult was weak and deflected, now you are locked in insults school for next 30 days, your future insults will have no effect.
Then group up like we all do from time to time, or learn how to avoid solo.
But it’s already happening, all the time. I (just like SO MANY others) was doing since my fist account in vanilla, still doing it and, with high probability, going to keep doing it.
What’s stopping you? Just don’t tell me it’s other ppl, because you can’t PvP without other ppl. NPCs don’t count.
You’ve tried to guess and you missed. I just want to fight other players and fight along side other players in a video game, so my fantasy adventure experience is as full as possible.
I’ve told you, you re locked, no effect.
So many assumptions, so much suffering, maybe you should take it easy.
Here is what’s really happening at FPs - one party/raid (Alliance/Horde doesn’t matter) is camping FP killing everybody. Then majority of those Everybody group up, call for help from guilds/communities/general/LFG and … THE REAL FUN BEGINS!
War mode is a sandbox, so your experience is HEAVILY depends on what YOU DO. Not enemy party/raid, but YOU. You can ask in general if certain hot-spot FP is camped right now, you can group up, you can learn how to avoid… etc.
If you want others to play by some rules you want them to play - well, too bad, it’s never going to happen.
There are closed scripted environments with rules - BGs, Arenas, Brawls - maybe they are more up your valley. But anyway, back to my previous question - How is being trained by 8 enemies when you’re alone in BG is different of the 40 in WPvP? You going to live half a second more?
But camping FPs also is “an endless slaughtering grindfest”. Flight point campers doesn’t prevent anything, they already brought their @$$es / content for you to consume. All you need is to join/start a group/raid and let slaughter begin!
Just put some time and effort in grouping and you won’t be stealing your war from yourself.
Yes more horde tears since 8.1 hit. You really don’t like being ganked so much do you, since 8.1 I’ve had numerous horde try real id adding me to start b1tching about being camped. Turn WM off if you don’t like it, I think that’s what was said before 8.1 to alliance players in the forums
RP warmode is mayhem, especially after the faction imbalance buff. It’s pretty much as balls to the wall gank induced kill on sight PVP fun as other shards, I’d imagine.
At least. my experience is that nobody gives a hoot about RP, honour, fair play or anything else like it when engaging in world PVP on RP realms/shards.
If OP moved to an RP realm, s/he’d be instagibbed at flight masters and world quest hotspots etc like everyone else is
Voldun Hideaway last night was a proverbial sh1t show
Been a while since I was on an RP WM shard, before 8.1 anyway. But when I moved from RP to normal WM in 8.0.1, normal WM shard seemed generally crazier. And when cross realming onto RP WM shard, seems quieter in comparison. But ye, I’m sure fun stuff happens on RP too, maybe just more relaxing when compared to normal WM madness Just my observation, having been on both shard types for extended period.
Stuff definitively got more intense all around,but most especially in faction assault areas,where it’s not uncommon to see players with a bounty,their friends,and the people after that bounty going after them
Ah ye, forgot about that. I’m looking forward to it though. I will have to clean the dust off my Net-o-Matic. Love to see enemas drop out of the sky hehe. Gonna start scouting for range extending trees/hills/buildings to sit on near wqs