I fought a druid tank today, and this guy ganked me for like 1 hour straight, no matter where I went. Fact is that I had to fight a druid tank with almost 1000k hp and able to heal from 50% to 100% in 2 button press. How come that a frost mage like me gets nerfed on the defensive, but classes like that gets away with everything? How come that they can heal faster, then I can do damage on them? You cannot escape from a druid, and you cannot kite him also, you cannot fully cast everytime, because of the non stop stuns and interupts they can do, and even if you can, they outheal that anyway. Anyway, fix this because this is just below pathetic and a joke.
Tanks and healers are bad choices of opponent. But, I like to attack em sometimes just for fun
Yeah, Tanks and healers… not the best of choice. But to be fair, I don’t think any Druid spec has a issue fighting Mages. So… I would think that if two players of equal skill went at it, the Druid (Any spec) would win over the Mage every time.
Could be wrong, have not pvp’d proper in a while, and as a Feral I dont have issues with Mages 1v1.
Small Edit: As well, no dampening as in Arenas, so… the healing is constantly mental, especially if you are a Resto Drood, I don’t think anyone can beat that 1v1 in World pvp. (Yes, I know you were fighting a tank).
I think I accepted some time ago that some people (healers/tanks/high ilvl/more teammates) will just be immortal in pvp.
I kind of assume you did not have enough gear as well. It might not really be Guardian problem here. If he had almost 1000k health, I assume he’s gear was of mythic raid level or close. With that gear, any other class would potentially out damage you. Rogue would stun you to death, DH and DK would just face roll you, Feral would do massive damage, not sure about Warrior vs mage, etc. Today it’s not about skills but gear you wear + now we have corruption which makes things even worse!
As Dashla said, it’s probably a gear problem.
Also, why did you allow him to gank you for 1 hour? You see someone is much stronger, so don’t ress, relog an alt or go have a beer, and wait for him to leave.
Yeah druid tanks seems a bit silly in pvp now, was questing in the assault earlier today, and on the spot where the assault boss spawns there was a guardian druid fighting against 3 alliances, and killed them all…
Spec fire mage, spam g-pie with TW. Enjoy your free win vs somebody who is a filthy mouth breather. He has no cds to counteract it outside of frenzied renjuv
Assuming its a 1v1, in a open world, no half decent Druid worth his salt, regardless of spec is going to let a Fire mage get of a cast that long. At least it never happened to me, and I am a decent/average pvp Feral at best.
Unlike most classes, all Mage CCs except Dragon’s Breath/Ring of Frost are worthless against Druids. So the ‘‘control’’ that makes the class so hated by many is effectively non-existant.
Druids are passively immune to Polymorph and they can shift out of Frost Nova + all of our slows (not that Fire has any slows… 20% Flamestrike garbage).
You’re only ever gonna be able to cast 2 GP at most and that’s if they suck, with the rest being interrupted/disoriented/stunned/knocked-back/outhealed.
And even if they start to lose and want to run away, we can do jack-all to stop them.
What about Barkskin and Survival Instincts?
It doesn’t effect hp% damage thats half the point. If its a guard druid, all they have a roar, bash and a kick and rejuv to prolong a fight. Should be relatively a cake walk with some gear on the mage.
I’ve been asking people this for so long
People say guardian is not viable in any content ( PvE wise ) but they can do all this s**t
And they dont even need PvP talents for it
that was s2, since s3 they are more than viable in pve as well
lol wut? equal geared mages should destoy guardians/resto druids at least.
resto druids dont even have interrupts in raid spec so u can literally sit there spamming greater pyroblast.
Resto has a stun, as well as strong mobility and insane heals. On top, the dmg is quite high. Guardian has the same mobility as Feral, while having good dmg, and much stronger survivability + interrupt and if specced multiple gap closers.
So I dont really see how a Mage can really fight off any Druid spec, assuming both have equal gear and skill.
I wish to dance polka over my keyboard when 20 horde phase from nowhere on my head, and litelary spawn on me… they doin server hops or somehting? sitll dont know how they do it…but thats 99% way how i getin killed. This can be fixed i guess.
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