Never EVER do it again

That’s the thing. It doesn’t even touch upon the problems for PvPers, which the real WoD system would solve 100% (except for the Trashran box).
It simply gets rid of the “need” to PvP in order to PvE, which a lot of PvEers felt early this season.

What the WoD system did was

  1. have only ONE ilvl for conquest gear in PvP, and ONE ilvl for honor gear in PvP.
  2. Have a proper catch-up system, and a decent pace to gear in. Which was thanks to its separation from PvE.
  3. It DOWNSCALED the ilvl of all PvE items in PvP. Which was a HUGE reason why no PvPer (other than warlocks in WoD s3) felt the need to mythic raid or whatever.

That PvE gear downscaling needs to happen so they can get rid of the extreme amount of rating gates for ilvl. They can’t do it without that proper separation. That would also let them fix the pace of gearing so people aren’t stuck in a psuedo-permanent preparation phase while trying to push rating at the same time, in PvP.
They can’t fix the pace without it impacting PvE (even with this measly haphazard non-WoD system where the ilvls only go up by 13 ilvls in PvP when wearing PvP gear).

So you see, the 9.1 system ONLY deals with the problem for PvEers. It doesn’t fix anything for PvPers.

The hunter bow from Sylvanas might also become a big problem, much like the PvE trinkets in BFA where people felt forced to PvE in order to PvP.

Essentially, it’s NOT the WoD system they’re bringing in 9.1.


Oh, you ment the entire wod system, sure i agree there is only one aspect of it introduced in 9.1 while rest is scrapped, entire wod system would be a blessing now.

as always the whole change that is made in 9.1 to pvp gearing is just because of PVE.
They couldn’t care less to fix any problems in pvp.
They heard the complains that pvers need to pvp to get gear more quickly and got the 233 ilvl weapons much easier.
So they decided to break the system make it less desired to get boosted for pve reason. People now will only buy a boost for pvp to stomp in bgs I guess.

The thing is that it didn’t even touch the slightest on the problems we are having in pvp which are 2 actually.

  1. Conquest catch up literally doesn’t exist (alleviated by missing out on weekly trashbox)
  2. Rating gate of upgrades

You clearly see that someone iterates on the pvp systems when a new expac drops but then nobody is willing to change it based on the feedback from pvpers. Interesting enough is that it gets changed when pvers complain that pvp gearing breaks pve

what a sad company

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Exactly, that’s the case where game director doesn’t acknowledge, or even try to see the pvp aspect himself, yet he blatantly ignores it not playing a single arena, nor rbg in his entire shadowlands expansion.

We deserve better, someone who cares about us.

Let’s be honest, that’s not the case because that would mean you are saying you never won vs a higher geared player. You also would say a class like ret couldn’t climb easier than a demo lock (just an example) just due to the ilvl difference and not balancing issues.

Also even if we agree PvP is/was not supposed to be about gear, MMORPGs are supposed to work like that tho.

How is your hunter project going? :slight_smile:

stuck at 1,5k with 200ilvl :smiley:

my entire friend list is offline for weeks now, cba to sit in lfg whole day

I, however, like to be able to do both pve and pvp and gearing in pvp to jump into M+ or raid for a while is nice. With separate gear, I’d need to grind pve to do pve and pvp to do pvp instead of having a mix of both or just focus on one…

Fair point. I think you might be a minority though, and even if you arn’t, then the trade off for the system you are asking (what we have) is horrible.

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I will just stop doing PvE altogether if they do separate gear sets again. I don’t like PVE enough to bother doing big grinds for that. recent xpacs were nice re. gearing and I would have many PVP items while doing PvE and it was just fine.

Didn’t this season also see the highest participation rate in years?

I’m sorry that I don’t really have any solutions but despite the complaints about the current situation those metrics will weigh heavily on the devs when trying to solve these problems. I doubt they’ll introduce changes that send PvP participation back to BFA levels without some serious reservations.

Even with the increased participation complaints from a large portion of the playerbase still revolve around being unable to find people to play with. I’m not saying anything here is wrong but I don’t think disincentivizing PvE/PvP crossover would truly solve all the problems that exist.

By the way guys. I haven’t read what’s going on with the thread, I just stopped by to let you all know that this shammy is a clown.

Best solution is to wait for Ashes of Creation or a other mmo game and quit this game because it will never change… i play 10+ yrs this game and in bfa s3 i quited cause of pve gear ruling the pvp brackets…

In other expacs before legion they did pretty well job, always someething busted but not as it is from bfa basicly…

Now iam getting tired of this greedy attitude of blizzard so ill probs quit again soon, especialy if a better mmo comes out iam insta out of this game and never look back.

Cause it looks like they really dont care about their player base… all they care for is makin money with nice new storys to tell people they fixed it… wich is obv a lie to make more money.

Blizzard always trys to milk us out, come with new solutions or ideas that break the pvp aspect of the game aswell we grind our valuable time to much for little gains… like this gearing system for pvp atm… no words

Gl all

Well when PVE bis items are gated behind arena rating you’re gonna see a lot of people exchange some in game currency to improve their PVP skills.

In a vacuum and only viewed at a certain point in time, yes that is probably correct.
But with all numbers, you can twist and adjust them into whatever fits your agenda.

If you put the best gear for pve progression behind a paywall in pvp, what happens is obviously that tons of pve guys will join pvp to grab the gear and then go back pve to smush their mythic raids.
So we saw a large spike in pve players getting boosted (and still are) to get easy and quick gear through pvp.
In pvp the gear is guaranteed and you only need to reach the big rating once and after that farm low rating for points.

The participation was maybe the highest and then had probably also the highest fall as well. Once people got their gear, they stopped playing arena.
Furthermore a big participation rate comes also from yolo rbgs to leech gear and conquest points.

I don’t think anybody really minds that dragonslayers participate in rated pvp and such, especially if pvp gear is superior. Most people do mind the boosting situation because of th rating wall for gear which then creates a gear gap which makes playing arena very frustrating especially on alts. You then play against people with lower skill than you but higher gear than you. So basically they are above the rating they should be because they got carried for gear somewhere else.

But well blizzard is known seeing everything to rose tinted glasses and love to tell everyone it is the players fault that the game is garbage.
They will continue to lose MAUs for sure and they will blame it on the players for not playing the game how they intended and they for sure blame boosting situation also on the players, same as the gear gaps

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