Never eyebeam a Ret

Giving them free wings procs almost the whole game… with this bs talent.

strictly speaking it’s not just the talent .
Retry pala have 3 ways to get wings
Furst is using the spell itself
Second is talent where you have to build 50 stacks to get wings for x amount of sec.
And the third is the aura of reconing where some of you team have to die to get wings for 6sec

Eyebeam is 100% crit… so yes they have wings up most of the time vs DH. This doesn’t make it easy for the squishiest class in the game

They get wings on death of an ally with retry aura, with the talent when some1 with his aura get smashed at 25% health and with the cd, no others. The talent with crit is the 1 that give him 4% crit and holy dmg and stack 3/4 times

Aura of reckoning gives stacks based on crit you or your team receives, then you get wings and big aoutoatack swing. It is very powerul as it is 100% crit+that wings will make dmg go higher i usualy take 40%hp when that proc from my target.I avoid rets on my dh, it is impossible to beat ret currently as dh as they nerfed leech and dodge from blade dance.

In the current meta only 3 mele classes have good chance to beat retry pala 1vs1 1 is ww monk whit they insane burst and 2and 3 is rouge and dk but they have to drag the battle for the right time to line up they burst

As a dh I never once won an 1vs1 vs retry. It’s just impossible. They can literally tank me hunt included with shield mitigation + word of glory

I get deleted by rets, even with Karma on them. I’m literally smashed in 3 globals. Most of the time, I can’t even react quick enough to hit a potion. Their dmg goes right through Fists parry as if it isn’t there. It’s hard to do “insane monk burst” when you’re dead. Admittedly, my gear sucks, but still, this game is so lopsided balance-wise at the moment that it can only be intentional.

The same goes for me when I play whit my pala the moment when my shield is off and disarmed me they burst me in a instant and yes you cannot face him like dk or warr but if you manage to kite him properly and burst him in the right moment they don’t have chance to survive
There a clips in savix as well where monk burst him 2 times in a roll and he can’t do anything about that after the shield was off and he is gladiator rang paladin after all.
And yes dh is garbage in pvp right now because in the current meta almost every class have some big di…k spells to combine with their buffs for insta dmg and dh don’t have any.
For example 2 days ago I played with my dh in epic bg and some aflock hit me with malific eruption for 17k and my dh is currently almost 200itlv gear

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