Never realised how squishy rogues were

rogues have weak passive defenses and powerful active ones. you can’t survive by just existing on rogue, but on the flip side you can be incredibly tanky if you avoid damage with cloak/evasion/vanish, if you feint a big hit, if you get 1 shot but cheat death saves you (granted cd is passive), or if you cc things that are trying to hit you.


This is the best answer.

Which is why you’ll fear being stun a lot. While as many other classes you can take it

1v1 we’re all good.

Group PvP (battlegrounds mainly) the toolshed doesn’t work as well.
I’d be really happy to see a clip of anyone surviving the mosh pits of battlegrounds.
Avoiding them renders you pretty useless as well.
choosing a good target and making sure you’ve got the panic buttons off cool down is pretty much the only way to play BGs in my opinion. Thoughts on this?

Rogue is doomed to be squishy, theres a reason why most arenas have pillars. If you cant keep resetting the fight or close it out in one go you’re doomed versus semi competent people who know when to go big on you in terms of damage.

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