All of these are of the time of this post undocumented. And there are more too, I spotted a Glacial Advance animation too in another video (pinned on the acherus discord)
Which annoys me even more… Seriously somebody bothered to update visuals and animations and it’s undocumented?!
Thoughts on the on the Defile? To me looks ugly still but in modern animation. At least it feels more functional and will hide less things, one can hope…
It’s documented and you can find it on the undermine development notes bluepost.
What, when? I’ve been reading these regularly must have missed it.
Edit: The only ones I’ve managed to find are the ones regarding minions being raised instantly. Those were pretty clear from the start. Haven’t seen anything about defile, Darion’s DD, glacial advance (not present in the video above), and the worgen animation.
Edit x2: Undermine(d) Development Notes
GA and the pet summoning are the only ones written down, the rest are missing.
Defile which is a sticking point since MoP, nowhere to be seen.
Anyhow the documented isn’t my biggest gripe with the subject, stuff gets missed out all the time. Though you’d think something that’s been requested for literal years, they’d make more of announcement out of it.
It’s like this class is so neglected that even good things happen, I’m suspicious of them.
It is documented you are just not reading the entire post. Press Ctrl-F and type visual and go through them all
Bro seriously? I did that with Defile, it’s not there. No mention of Darion or D&D You try it. Look for Defile. The only 2 appearances are on the title of this thread appearing as a link.
Only GA, and minions from apocalypse.
Don’t give me this nonsense, you’re just trolling at this stage.
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