New battleground? Hype it up they might listen ;)

so the concept

we have a large fortress ( preferably a castle like structure ) with 2 entrances a side bridge and the main gate
Horde and alliance are randomly chosen to defend or to attack ( like wintergrasp )

  • attackers can use ladder items to try to scale the wall, Vehicles, demolishers
  • defenders can use Oil pots, cannons, ballista’s

Attackers need to gain entry to the castle and kill the king
defenders need to defend and stop the assault

quite simple concept really

OH an it should be in the rain… just cause

optional : lord of the rings theme music in the background

come at me you filthy Orcs :wink: see you in the BG

all serious though could we get a battleground like this scene out of LOTR :slight_smile:

Translate those 5:30 min of video in an ingame BG concept please :slight_smile:

so the concept

we have a large fortress ( preferably a castle like structure ) with 2 entrances a side bridge and the main gate
Horde and alliance are randomly chosen to defend or to attack ( like wintergrasp )

  • attackers can use ladder items to try to scale the wall, Vehicles, demolishers
  • defenders can use Oil pots, cannons, ballista’s

Attackers need to gain entry to the castle and kill the king
defenders need to defend and stop the assault

quite simple concept really

OH an it should be in the rain… just cause

optional : lord of the rings theme music in the background

Kinda like wintergrasp /ioc?..

think of it more about defending the gate and walls, not about claiming workshops

Yeah, but claiming that stuff mid-fight is important to let one side progress & get the upper hand on the other with vehicle/summons/you name it

We need less EBGs with vehicles not more. They should just make Tarren Mill vs South Shore permanent at this stage. I don’t even want to run WG anymore I’m so sick of that place and its complete reliance on vehicles.

I’m more of a AV like epic battleground with Nodes that act as defensive barriers, and you can’t rush past those objective points like some grand prix 2023 azeroth tour like what Alterac Valley is nowadays.

the way i see it,
anything new would be a +

maybe the rewards could include a mount for the meta achievement instead of titles for these new battleground maps

We could make it titan themed - like an Ancient titan keep. We could use somewhere existing Titan architecture exists, like the Southern coast of Northrend, along the beach. We could call it err, Ancient Titan Strand or something like that…

In all seriousness, they probably won’t have a BG with vehicles again. I personally liked SoTA, but it was a total mess of a BG and half the players didn’t know how to handle the attacking team (just go to their demo spawn point and camp the demos…)

In general the less objectives in a game the better. League has 1 core you have to destroy. CSGO has 1 bomb you have to plant or defuse. Overwatch has a cart you have to push or stop. Etc

Vehicles complicate that. Addon andys with their ElvUI 3.69 edition and their 70000000 weakauras would constantly hop into the SOTA demos and shout “my ui!!!” while they sit there afk, unable to leave or shoot the demo. When they weren’t doing that they were failing to use them effectively. Bombs are neglected heavily in current IoC too. People will literally just run to the enemy base and stand at the gate for 6 minutes rather than catapult / glider in and plant bombs.

Less objectives the better, less mechanics the better. WSG - 1 flag. Cap the flag. AB - 5 bases. hold 3 bases to win. Simple.

I do love the idea personally as someone who pays attention to the game and can follow more than 1 mechanic at once, but its one of those BGs that would just be a mess and would either get removed or redesigned like they removed SOTA or redesigned and took away the cart in Deepwind Gorge.

Right now the closest to what I think you want is Ashran - where for the most part its one side pushing while the other side defends and falls back progressively. That is fun, but is it more fun than another WSG or Arathi Basin but in a different environment, like, say, Arathi Basin but you’re in Suramar fighting in the streets.

Gotta look at what has already failed and considering they give almost nil resources to the Battleground feature, gotta use them wisely or we’ll end up with another Kotmogu/Seething Shore situation.

i completed SoTA meta, i thought it was alright tbh

i think what im pushing for here is a true CASTLE defence map, something small not big.
not about Nodes or workshops or vehicles

just a good old king of the castle type of map

they dont need to reinvent the wheel, just make more maps with the odd fun gimmick

It was my favourite BG too, I mained a hunter in WoTLK. I got the SoTA meta in like 3 weeks and the IoC meta in 2 weeks. Problem is I am in an extreme minority of BG players that actually do the mechanic of the BG. Its difficult as it is to get people to target the EFC in WSG. Now I have to corral people away from the AFK spot at the gate, to climb ladders, hop in vehicles and blow up walls or whatever, then man up and push into their defensive, then kill their king, all at once? Thats a 0% winrate attack side if I ever saw it. You tried Wintergrasp attack? People AFK out after first fight loss :smiley:

well you do play horde, horde Bg is terrible ( i changed from horde to alliance for pvp reasons )

for me at least, its not always about winning those games, its the big Fights that are just fun to be apart of

I dont really care about the new BG concept/how it will work… I just want a new BG map :stuck_out_tongue:

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