New Beta Build - Race Change / Guild Transfer strings(?)

So yesterday Beta got an update (250mb) and as you can see we got the level cap increase to 68.
Nevertheless people datamined new strings regarding the update, just like the mount/toys/drums strings.

afaik - GREEN means NEW and red/green means old->new

So regarding guild xfer and race change, I honestly see no issue (if it is temporary/only for pre patch) since a lot of servers are dead and I dont think Blizzard will be able to fix servers balance pop.
But that Transmog Set and Illusion…


At this stage of the game you’d think that this is the obvious time to address dead servers. I’ll be absolutely stunned if they do nothing honestly.

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At this stage of the game you’d think that this is the obvious time to address dead servers. I’ll be absolutely stunned if they do nothing honestly.

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At this stage of the game you’d think that this is the obvious time to address dead servers. I’ll be absolutely stunned if they do nothing honestly.

At this stage of the game you’d think that this is the obvious time to address dead servers. I’ll be absolutely stunned if they do nothing honestly.

With the abundance of doomsayers, tinfoil hat wearers, and conspiracy theorists I would purposely put outrageous ‘hidden’ stuff in updates so they can be datamined and the tears can flow. Then call it an april fool’s joke.


At this stage of the game you’d think that this is the obvious time to address dead servers. I’ll be absolutely stunned if they do nothing honestly.

That is going to really annoy some people on these forums who said they would leave if it got past the boost.

You think Blizzard are trolling us? Considering what Thursday is? God, I hope Crabby doesn’t come back.

So is this an out of seasson April fool´s joke ? :smiley: sry ^^

Well the first of april is in 2 days…
So we’ll know soon

I hope you are right, would be a pretty ballzy move tbh :smiley:

oh man, imagine they put in transmog and illusion…
There would be no way anyone could disagree with the anti-booster anymoore.
This thing right there is actual proof of the “doomsaying”.

It’s what i’d do, highly unlikely activision would do this. Old Blizzard maybe, but they have been long gone.


Hope paid level boost and new shop mount are also a part of this amazing joke.
It is very funny either way if it’s a joke or not.


Alliance will migrate Horde and problem solved. Also a lot of people will desperatelly want to join mega-realms even due to queue ignoring medium/low pop realms.

Yeah, take at look at the history and changes that have happened over the years for every build.

Variables get added and removed as development happens.

The amount of times I’ve left a print() statement in an addon and pushed it to curse.

Just wait until the release before making the “I quit” statements else you may look the fool.

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Why does that solve any problem ?

It’s a meme. On PvP realms the whole of TBC may be like P2 of Classic plus Horde racials leading players to pick Horde for TBC historically → Classic Alliance rerolling Horde for TBC. So that so with paid faction transfer you can transfer to Horde instead of paid PvP to PvE realm transfer. Blizzard gets money, Blizzard happy, problem “solved”. :smiley:

aight ^^ thanks for explaining

Omg transmog, if that is in then I’m out. Enough is enough. I’m still hyped for TBC even after boost and mount. But putting all this retail features there that would be too much for me.

I am speachless, transmog?
Last week I had forum post deleted because I said these features might come.