New BG matchmaking is actually worse for solo players than before

Not only do we still get matched up against FOTM premades 90% of the time (2x5man instead of 1x10man…yay!).
But now on top of that we also have to wait in Q for way longer than before, at least horde side.

Waiting 10-15 minutes too hard? Finding a friend for 1 min queues also hard?

FOTM premades? Cope harder maybe? Horde still wins more

I wonder who told all the cry-baby solo-queuers that this would happen?

Oh. It was me, I told them that.

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It really isn’t. Remember when the vast majority of games were queued into opposing premades? We still managed to grind to Exalted under those conditions. This is a breath of fresh air. I’m on 9 losses in 32 games of AB. It’s been fun.


or maybe, just maybe
pvp in phase 2 is the worst it has ever been in any version of wow so most don’t want to participate
people into fotm do so they can feel op as a 1 second meme at blizzcon promised them
maybe sod is raidlog simulator

Also it was me.

Bad comps happen, but even a game with a bad comp is more fun than getting farmed by a premade.



I’ll take a quick 5 minute loss over a 15 minute game of 3 people AFK, 2 people calling everybody bad and 5 people holding the game hostage.

A substantial part of the community being awful is a different discussion, but you’re not wrong.

So, then you are not for the classic WoW, you sound like retail guy, go back then, the pvp in classic is always been like that in the BGs, in the last 20 years.


Before, enrolling in a BG was the assurance of encountering a premade 9 times out of 10, almost all BGs were defeats without even being able to do anything. The experience was catastrophic.

Since the introduction of matchmaking, the waiting time has increased a little but BGs are fun, you can play, you can win.

Don’t try to create false flag topics, the SoD community is doing better since the introduction of matchmaking.

And besides, this additional waiting time is also due to the fact that now there are two BGs, not just one, that many degenerates who were only there for the WSG reputation and honor have become exalted/max rank and therefore no longer tag for BG. And also ESPECIALLY because now you have to pull your fingers out and you can no longer destroy PUGs without encountering resistance.


Dude im the one who love wait 15 min premade? We talk about things and farm some money before queue pops. You guys should go dragonflight where everything is instant. This is vanilla man.

You are on ur own with that opinion… the new matchmaking system is WAAAAY better… WAY WAY, by infinite miles better than the old one.
I play BGs every time im online and I’ve never faced a premade ever again. Maybe one or two 5man but they didn’t really make a difference.
It’s FINALLY an even playingfield… not like those premade defenders wanted to make us believe.
No one cares if you gotta wait 5-10 mins when the matches are finally fair.
If u really think that this is worse than camping or being camped at the GY while semi afk them you should get urself checked.

Also, i am really really glad that you and that Zede guy were absolutely wrong :star_struck:

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Reason why u see so long queue times on Horde is that nobody with a brain on Alliance is participating in PvP when shamans are raid bosses in bgs right now

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What world do you live in? Classic NEVER had separate queues.

Looks more like I was spot on. WSG is still aids except now games get held hostage by graveyard campers instead of tryharding rep-farm premades who rush 5 minute wins.

Indeed. The answer is literally as simple as making large groups only queue vs large groups.

Yeah, people be like: “But then queues never pop!”

All that would mean is that people didn’t actually want to play in groups, they just wanted to pubstomp. So nothing is really lost here.

I’ve noticed this myself. People seem more motivated to cooperate and be nice, and even agree with ending the BG quickly if it’s an obvious loss. With the exception of the one random player yelling “reported!” but overall it’s been a pleasant surprise.

The grind from revered to exalted is annoying as it is. That, and the jump skip exploit.

False alarm folks. Yesterday I had a winning streak in WSG !
Guess it was just bad luck before.
Still think they should completely separate premade and solo Qs though.

Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bots!!! Ban the bo