What is this new Bg
Could it have been more unimaginative
Just two carts going around tracks and some strange red crystals you can pick for extra points?
The map also looks like it was designed by a 8 year old
Why are we also not able to use the honor stamina buff food in there, says you are in the wrong zone
Is this really peak map design from Blizzard?
The new bg is Great !
2 cart that create 2 different teamfight
A crystal that act like a flag to get where 1v1-3V3 can happen
Capture the flag you get a (15% haste 15% movespeed) bloodlust for your team on the cart !
2 close regen CD near rail of cart to incentivise more burst
A middle rail to quickly intercept crystal holder opposite of the map after you respawned
I like it. At even strength you need to cordinate group fights and be quick supporting smaller groups. Players can make a difference alone. Retaking the crystal or prevent other players from taking it, etc. Quite a fun bg.
Also its located in the ringing deeps so it gets a connection to the world so you can relate and understand where its happening because you went through there in the campaign. I like that to.
They should change one thing though and thats the title you get from doing all the achievments in the bg. The achievment should be called Deephauler and the title should be Deepholla!
99% of the time is 10vs1, just like Seething Shore.
It’s just the old Deepwind Gorge.
“Yea and if my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike” mood
It’s nothing like old deepwind gorge
Old deepwind gorge was a base map and you have to drag a cart from ennemy base to your base
Here it’s minecart on rails that start from external to middle
and a flag you have to bring on 1 of the 2 points
There’s nothing like the old Deepwind Gorge
The best part is Im in that BG 4th time and its 4th time only alliance in there, no enemies to fight.
Players kinda discussing why no players there, and they came to conclusions its cos players just dont like that BG :d
New bg is bugged just like deepwind dunk gives no honor every 1 min like all other bgs.
Also new achivement to not lose a cart is bugged.
Personaly, this new bg is where I had the most fun for now
It’s quite a nice map.
Just gotta fix that the tracks can cause LoS issues, that’s just nonsense.
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