New Blizzard Gear Store?

Seen various horror stories about people dealing with Fanatics, lets hope it’s a new better supplier and that we still get an EU version.

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While I’m all in for supporting you guys on that one, I believe I’ve mentioned it before that absurdly, as someone who lives in the Middle East, shipping costs from the US store were always cheaper than from the EU store.

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The courier that Blizzard use always seems to land us with a hefty fee from the US. I have ordered from other American companies and they use different services and I don’t get hit with some ridiculous import cost.

The UK has left the EU so I have no idea what impact that has now either even if we do get a EU store. The EU store never has half as much stuff as the US counterpart. Always seems such an odd way to run an online store.

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They did this super sale about 3-4 years ago, I bought like £150 of merch for less than £80, but due to the RRP or something, I got hit by import charges T_T

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yeah if there’s like one company worse at communication than Blizzard, it’s Fanatics

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I bought something off it a few years back, and the cost doubled once I had the import tax bill. Completely rediculous. The prices on the Store are generally expensive anyway, but having that to pay as well is just too much. So I just don’t, anymore. If there’s something specific I want, I’ll just go find a cheaper alternative somewhere else. Not the same thing but at least I don’t feel like I’m paying through the nose for something that wasn’t worth the inital cost, never mind the cost after import duties.




you know you left the European Union but the UK is part of the EU, Europe :stuck_out_tongue: so until your tiny island becomes a giant turtle and floats to another region of the world your still part the EU

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You know that EU stands for the European Union and not Europe?

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eu has always stood for europe :stuck_out_tongue: you play on the EU server in the EU Region really have intelligence become this low ?

EU, US, SEA etc

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Proper EU store would be nice, I’ve had my eye on some things for a while now but heard some stories too so always been hesitant since they aint cheap.


EU in a WoW server sense stands for Europe and is nothing to do with any trade blocks, political unions are the such. It is a geographical region.

I thought we were talking about importing stuff and not wow servers or realms? My mistake I guess.

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Well that is for Blizzard to work out, however Amazon and other retailers don’t seem to have any issues with it all. Hopefully they’ll work it out, but who knows, if there is a way to do it wrong (for the customer) we can trust Bobby and his minions to achieve it.

It does seem to be lost on some.

Although we have equally smart people who believe the UK is no longer part of Europe as a result of Brexit.

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technically we are a island we are not part of anything!

i just wish we could stick some propellers on this rock and drift somewhere better.

at least then we wouldnt have to deal with mr macrons child like hissy fits every other day.

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Perhaps we should just row harder … eventually this hunk of rock will move :stuck_out_tongue:

The European Union is the wannabe Soviet Union of the XXI century.

Ok, i will get my stuff and i see myself out…

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