New Butcher skill

The same way fishing works, an independent skill to gather fish, requires time and dedication to gather the fish and increase the skill points, could or should work the same way to get meat.

Fishing is basically used to support the cooking skill, so why don’t we get a Butcher skill to be able to get meat from our kills, instead of just looting it?

Increasing the Butcher skill would allow us to gather more meat and even better types of meat from same beasts. Also, rare beasts and bosses should yield rare types of meat for the best cooking recipes.

And I imagine not everyone would want to dedicate time to lvl this skill, that would mean less meat in the AH, increasing the prices, that are so low we better just sell to a vendor.

So, it can be a good hobby and good for the economy, hope you like the idea.

I think that’s quite an interesting idea and makes a lot of sense. Basically like Skinning where you have to skin the kill and not just loot it. It could be part of the Cooking profession and what you can butcher is dependant on skill.

I like the idea however the vast majority of people would not. They’re making WoW easier and less time consuming currently, this would go against that vision.

I know, but if the game becomes too easy with less things to do, it becomes boring.

I totally agree, unfortunately we may be losing that battle though.

Actually it already exist

in skinning you have a branch in specialisation “Meat Carver”

it allow you to collect more meat on kills.
Skinning also have a branch to create lure for better fishing.

The price of meat are already low since leather is more asked than meat nowadays since meat everyone can loot it.
Since cooking is avaiable for everyone, you can’t stop anyone from looting meat.
If you want more meat get skinner.
But since there’s a lot of bot out there the price of meat and leather are always low.

maybe one day once bot are all been banned permanently one day it might be a specialisation of cooking so the price of meat lower. for now meat price are too low because of bots

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