Frost buffs is actually a nerf, blizz just don’t know what to do with frost.
This is literally what I thought to myself after reading through this stuff.
Becouse it is, they even nerf empower rune weapon, i need full haste with that to even set up my burst.
Fixed it for you, don’t use that ability once patch goes live do another build on the dk tree.
I will still use it all haste is good to do faster setup
I got it binded in macro binding sleet, the setup needs to go fast to make the burst.
This will be my first post again in ages after returning to the game, mostly due to RP, not the gameplay, and it hurts to again have to inform new people that there are no class devs in this game, blizzard is such a ratty company that they have one (1) or maybe two people doing ALL class design AND PvP Design.
And they have favorites, like any human does, it’s a fact.
they also have hated classes that they died to in earlier expacs, or failed to kill (Death strike nerf been in for 5+ years now)
I wont mince words anymore in this forum, Vitriol and aggression is all these devs deserve and you cannot silence me, and i do not care that they complain about having to bend to the higher powers that is marketing and shareholder people or Team project leaders in the building THEY have the only power to change things, we do not, we can scream til our voices give out and they will hardly listen, the players are payers, with no power.
Just look at Wargaming, the company in charge of world of warships and so, they are shutting their own forum down to move to discord full time, thats the extent of contemt they have for you as players, and blizzard surely sees that and takes notes believe me.
Take the last D4 campfire chat, three defeated Devs having to churn out lawyer speak why nonsensical changes like increasing the leave dungeon channel to 5 seconds from 3 seconds and more. They know they are doing wrong, and will slowly wither away under the unfeeling uncaring corporate pressure of the higher ups and their minions and lackeys that dont even playor design games, the team lead and projects managers, marketing people, bosses and shareholders.
No, the only people with any power to make changes is the ones that feel the most pressure, the ones they slowly break to become like them, greedy big corpo people, or they leave due to not having it anymore since there is no secret that blizzard is a revovling door of people joining and leaving AND I WONDER WHY, yet the paymasters and taskmasters have no idea why, they run a factory, profits must go up, damn the arsenic in the baby formula, or if a worker gets a hand stuck in a machine, just fire them and get a new schmuck lol the CEO says as he smokes his cigar in his office
They all have my pure undiluted disgust, and you should too
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