New Class - Commando

It does.
The game already has guns and bombs in it.

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We have a problem. The game has twice as many classes capable of melee as it has classes capable of ranged attacks.

Furthermore, ranged attacks are preferable in raids due to the fact that there is more room, so many types of mechanics that devastate melee do nothing to ranged players.

This has caused a situation where the vast majority of melee classes simply cannot get any spots at all, and that sucks.

This is the segment where I kindly decline that blizzard need to stop making new classes like dh, the race restrictions is awful

Swtor was a good game, but atm they have huge problems with net code and class mechanics(unfun to play). Mb 7.0 will solve it, who knows.

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i am hopeful, i like wow and swtor, dont enjoy new mmos without big story behind.
probs why i dont like sl madeup lore a lot

Just play Swtor.

They have new class designer and its going to full class mechanic revamp in 7.0. I will try it. Hope they will fix netcode and engine problems too.

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Perhaps though there are some caveats. Melees are occasionally better in some important fights; e.g. I suspect theyā€™re better in Sylvanas especially at p2. Also some classes are ā€œmeleeā€ mainly because they tank too but they are not really that amazing at meleee; e.g. take the rogue class for example; they are so amazing at melee (because thatā€™s the only thing they do) that they are god-like on at least 1 spec of them each patch so if all melees were as good as the best rogue spec: you might have had a different opinion (and theyā€™re extremely mobile too so they even donā€™t care much about not being ranged).

Iā€™m confused as your point.

The issue is that there are so many more melee classes than ranged classes that you can often have 1 of each ranged class plus a few more, but for melee you literally canā€™t bring half of them. This makes several literally unviable.

This is because all the classes Blizzard have added since release have been melee only.

That has nothing to do with anything I posted.

I just want a mostly ranged class (the tank spec would be still tank in melee rage -shooting instead of stabbing. Maybe some flamethrowers)

Nothing to do with any ā€œissuesā€ youā€™ve made up

Iā€™m pretty sure with the pending lawsuit that going commando wonā€™t be an option.

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I think thatā€™s because you didnā€™t realise I pointed out issues with the current situation in support of your idea, and I did so in response to someone who was against the idea due to not quite understanding the amount of melee compared to ranged are a problem.

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Oops! My bad then!

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