New class?

ah, I didn’t think of monks. good point.
Also I’d like to see monks go totally unarmed, martial artist type play. Not sure how they would be compensated for the loss of stats on weapons though, should be doable with a passive buff of some kind…

To be fair, most players complain about monks not visually using their weapons in combat :joy_cat:

I’m happy with it though, I like the bare fist fighter look and sometimes mog it on purpose.

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Don’t think more classes will be the best with QoL of WoW in mind. As of now to many classes are based on borrowed powers to be viable(yeah sure,form own group,play with friends yada yarda boom boom) and adding another class into the roulette will just crash it harder.

Instead of new classes we should fight for a better class system with full functionality of every class and spec without the need of borrowed powers.

I would love to see more classes my self,but not with the cost of other allready existing classes.

New Classes get added if the content/Expansion make sense to add them.

DK’s were added 'cos of the Scourge theme of WotLK.
Monks - along with Pandaren - were added 'cos of the oriental theme of MoP.
DH’s were added 'cos of the Burning Legion theme of Legion.

Could a Class with an afterlife theme have been added to Shadowlands…? Maybe, but given the pre-Patch theming of the Valkyr/Corrupted Kyrian - and their ability to do all roles - would another totally hybrid Druid/Monk/Paladin-esque Class really have been welcomed…?

Add in that Death Knights & Demon Hunters are ‘actually’ Hero Classes, Monks are truly the only universal Class that has been added; no, I’m not counting expanding access to Paladin/Shaman across factions, as they actually existed prior to TBC.

We need Tinkers. The mecha version of Druids, hopefully w/o botfarming/Multibotter potential

what about dark theme and skills? and shadow damage instead of physical?

i think we only stop want new class after 2 class bein playable.

Tinker and Shadow Hunter

goblin/gnome for tinker class we all agree about it

and shadow hunter can be dark ranger/dark warden

for troll/blood elf -night elf /void elf

or there is easier solution. let people choose their skill animations or make skills RACE THEME

for example dark arrows for undead blood elf hunters

or shadow bolts for troll shamans

and please let people use warglaives. only DH is useless. we all know night elves and trolls are used warglaives before Demon Hunters. it can be good start

WoW isn’t FFXIV, my dude.

@OP - yeah, dark rangers are coming in 10.0

I would prefer what i’d call Spec-Skins

An example would be Shadow-Priest getting a holy re-colour of their spells, and adjusted slightly to fit a holy theme

Another would be how Blood Knights were paladins but theme’d to fit Blood Elves, the sort of went there with Paladin racial mounts already.

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I would love to see new classes .

If new class: Tinker. Nothing else is acceptable. Plenty of unique stuff to work with (don’t say engineering, a guy chucking bombs once every 5 mins and using a combat ress doesn’t fufill the clear technological fantasy that wow has). There are unique gameplay ideas for such a class despite what people claim. I’ve read yup many tinker concepts over the years (and volunteered one of my own, including talents for the specs) and there were plenty of unique ideas when it comes to playstyle systems. Heck of a lot more unique than even DH brought with Fury (which is essentially just rage, but not from AAs only from certain abilities)

If not new class: class skins along the lines that people have suggested.

Blademaster :muscle:

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Rather than a new class entirely, I would like to see Priest split into two. The class have kind of lost a lot of its identity and aesthetics throughout the years, and it quite frankly doesn’t make sense anymore for Holy Priest to be aprt of Discipline and Shadow.

So my suggestion would be to make a straight up “Holy Priest” and a “Void Priest” class. Holy priest would retain the “Holy” healing spec, and gain a brand new Holy based DPS spec, which we have never had. Meanwhile, Void priest would get; Discipline, current Shadow Priest, and the Legion version of shadow priest.

If it is every 2 expansions then the next one will give us the classes. We had in BFA the allied races, plus a couple at the end of Legion. I think the allied races were in the place of any new classes.

It would not surprise me if we get new allied races in the form of the races of the four covenants we have. Would be great to be a Revendreth vampire, it does not fit any type of WOW lore and belongs in Castlevania, but would be fun nonetheless.

Would be too much. We have enough classes imo. Though a cloth or mail tank or plate magic dps would be something different :rofl:

I think a bit more flavour in the individual specs would make me happy, rather than a new class if I’m completely honest.
I feel as though we’ve been using the same spells for so long now.

Soon? No.
Next expansion? Maybe.
I don’t really care tbh; BM Hunter is good enough for me.

But, if they ever do give us a new class I at least hope it’s ranged and uses mail, because the mail armor representation is horrible; hunters and shamans get the shaft every single time when it comes to armor variation availability (I’d like for them to just get rid of mail armor even more and just give hunters and shamans leather, heck maybe give shamans plate even).

They just need to balance out the armour types, especially mail. Leather hunter makes sense but plate shaman is a bit wierd. Leather is already bloated badly.

Ranged mail? Tinker cough

That bring it up to 3 of each and then leather with 4.

I mean I can’t see any other ranged mail concepts tbh. Dark ranger? So a hunter with a skeleton instead of an animal and dark aesthetics? Can’t imagine it being widely different enough from hunter tbh, and we already have an undead themed class. What else is there? Bard? No game basis for it. Anything else would literally be making it up on the spot.

We do not have a tech themed class, despite tech being big in wow, and there being several NPC’s whom are tinkers. Engineering is not enough. An engineer throws a bomb every 5 minutes and then returns to using frostbolt or whatever. A tinker literally uses tech to do everything!

Saying an engineer and a tinker are the same is like saying someone who shoots at a firing range occasionally is equivalent to a marine or sniper because they both use firearms. It’s no argument against a tinker.

I want Wardens. Give them literally the same abilities such as DH, just reskinned, the same specs (hell you may even call them Vengeance and Havoc), just make them wear mail and be a little bit less edgy than Illidan and fanboys.

Ideal way of creating another class, tbh. Requires no additional balance, but fits the theme of having a new class.

Or even better: Remove DH and turn them into Wardens. Everybody is happy.

Tinker class would be fun though:

Tank spec brings out big mechsuit which provides new abilities and has its own health maybe?

Healer spec. Releases drones to heal allies and maybe augment allies with dps buffs

Dps spec place turrets, traps, maybe call in airstrikes etc.

I know balancing would probably be a nightmare but it’s just an idea is all :grin: