New class?

There was a YouTube video about World of Warcraft releasing a class every two expansions.

Death Knights for WOTLK
Monks for MoP
Demon Hunters for Legion

But there aren’t any in Shadowlands.

Do yo uthink it would be a good idea? would it be too much to handle?
Do you think Blizzard will add a new class soon?

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Yes, it will be in next xpac, only purchaseable through store with a mount and 6 months of sub.


Blizz can’t bring balance or sanity to the classes we have, let us not ask for more…

Also, I don’t think there’s a niche for one. Every time these forums come up with an idea, there is already something very similar. Example; people keep raising necromancers over and over again (see what I did there?). How is necromancer not unholy DK? Oh, they wanted more minions and cloth armour? Demonology warlock. That playstyle exists, those mechanics exist, we’re down to players arguing about the visuals of the class, not a class itself.

Players aren’t making credibly-unique suggestions that stand up to more than 5 minutes of peer review, and as such we should probably consider that the coverage is complete and we will never need additional classes.


Interesting point of view.
It’s true that World of Warcraft has a lot of classes.

But do you think something completely new (like the Monk was at the time), should be something to consider ?

In my opinion it’s the last thing the game needs with the absolutely terrible way most the rest of the game basics are in.

PvP dead.

Professions dead/completely irrelevant now.

Class balance dead.

Boosters everywhere, and spamming chats and LFG tools.

Least alt friendly, and even unfriendly for an alternative spec now that you’ll play different covenants for different specs: druids are a great example of a class that might need 3 covenants just to play all the different specs effectively.

I could go on…


I always like more options. But that doesn’t make it a good idea.

With the idea that everything has to be equal, and the inability to balance to that fact, yes. People are always screaming for balance and each added class and/or specialization only makes that harder.

I would be surprised if they add more ever.

As much as I like the idea of adding new class, I would like to see skins for specs.


Tauren paladin, will not be called Paladin but instead would be Sunwalker.

Nightborne warrior would not be warrior, but instead would be Spellblade or spellshield.

Blood elf paladin, would not be paladin, but would be Blood knight, or spell breaker.

and so on.

I know I am dreaming, but it is what i would like to see.


Thing is, players haven’t been able to suggest anything completely new for several years. It’s always a variant of something else that would be better suited to being a spec than a class.

And if I’m honest, monk is a variant paladin. Tank/melee healer/melee dps. There was already a class in that role, it just has a different armour type. Fortunately, play style turned out to be relatively unique, and it did make sense given the environment of Pandaria; but it was perhaps a class too many.

Demon hunters… stealing metamorphosis from warlocks, and the mobility niche from monks… really did feel overkill. Blizz couldn’t even think of a third spec for them, that’s how badly crowded classes are. But again, demon hunters as NPCs were core to the storyline of Legion, and it sort of made sense to let players have some of that.

Neither BfA nor Shadowlands has that however. There’s no new military force with unique powers in either of them. There’s nothing to say “you’ve seen NPCs do this, now you can do it too”.

And I don’t really expect it to happen in the future. There’s no missing niches, there’s no obvious “oh a class that could do this would be great”. Every need is being covered by something; and where there are needs, they tend to be small utilities, and it would be better to give an existing class a new tool than to build a new class around it.


I think a Dark Ranger would be cool, but like others have said there are more pressing matters at hand so I don’t see it happening. They already struggle with balance enough as it is.

In my opinion a fairly big issue is that most classes they could implement are either very similar or have overlaps with already existing classes (dark ranger included), like witch doctor, spellbreaker, shadow hunter etc.


The only thing I’d ask is how is it not hunter with the camouflage talent and a gloomy transmog?


I agree. If anything fleshing out lacking classes with new specs for new roles would be my preferred option over completely new classes

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Yeah, exactly. There is so much overlap between any contenders it’s hard to implement. I could see it be more dot focussed or something, idk :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah that would be cool, adding a 4th specc to classes. But then again what is left for druids haha.

They’re the already ‘complete’ class. Tank, Heal range DPS, Melee DPS. They dont need anything more imo.

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and you must kill 1,000,000 boars to qualify.

Indeed, druids need regular tuning because they go in and out of viability based on the patch, but they definitely don’t need new specs.

New specs that might be popular however (just brainfarting now)…

  • Shaman tanks! We used to do it, back when earth shock was a threat mechanic and armour mattered.
  • ‘Real’ necromancer DK. Loses a lot of melee strength, gains a bunch of minions and becomes a solid pet class.
  • Lycanthropy hunter; take on the aspect of a beast and be tanky.
  • Infusion DH; channel the demonic energy within you to mend the bodies of your allies.
  • Division of monk healing into ranged and melee styles (Yu’lon and Chi Ji specs).

I think they should add a new class only, if there is enough “material” for it. Like lots of people asks for Necromancer class, but how would that be different from Demo Locks (instead of imps it would summon skeletons, etc…) or UH DK?

Also a new class needs at least 2 specs, so that would be another problem.

Moreover what people usually don’t consider is that, it’s not just a “new” class. Blizz have to support it after release, planning new systems for it. Remember legion class halls? First, how would the new class work with that, obviously creating a new base for a legacy content is not an option. Second every time Blizz introduces some class specific feature, it would take more effort because they have to do +1.

I think there are plenty classes ingame, covering most of the common fantasy archetypes (especially if you consider the different specs).

Most likely not gonna happen and it’s not worth it, but it would be cool if instead of a new class Blizz would expand the current specialisation system with either more specs or sub-classes.

I think there could be scope to add new specs rather than whole classes.

Necomancer could be added as a mage spec.
Shaman could use a tank spec.
Paladins could have a ranged spec.
Rogues could do a dodge tank spec, which would be something the game doesn’t have just now.
Warlocks could have a Drain → Healer type spec.

We already have 36 specs in the game. There are currently massive balance issues between those 36 specs in terms of output and in terms of kit. I’d rather Blizzard fix those issues first instead of adding a new class with 2 brand new spec that could push those imbalances even more. By that, I mean why mage has heroism, mandatory intell buff, offensive and defensive dispelled while shaman has heroism, defensive dispell and irrelevant healing? Why warrior gets to bring ap buff and Rally while paladin brings no relevant group tool?

Those issues need to be addressed first. And once they’re fixed, then adding a new class could be good.

This being said, I quite hate DH for the reason it has a low amount of spells but has a very versatile toolkit. So I do think there is that risk of Blizzard releasing a class with an overloaded kit.

Actually it’s kind of monks - our mastery increases the chances we dodge as we get hit ^^


I’m not a fan of new classes especially as we keep increasing the melee pool with it. It also seems to create even more imbalance.